Monday, February 2, 2009

Hunter's 1 yr party!

The party went really well....we were so glad to get to be part of his 1st birthday!! Ben, his foster dad, said a beautiful prayer honoring him. It was so sweet...thanking God for his life, and asking him to be with him throughout his life.
What a special little boy!

the kiddos took her stickers that Clay had gotten them from work

I think I know who blew his candle out....Rachel is right in the middle of it!

He wasn't sure what to do at first...his first handful he thew in the floor. We kept waiting on him to spit up....anytime he tries to eat solids it makes him gag and throw up, but he didn't.

He also rubbed it all in his ear!

He was really rubbing it in his hair!
He got very tired towards the end, he looked like he would just konk out.

Zachariah hanging in Hunter's new walker. I loved that walker....I really want one! She said that folks from her church gave them gift certificates to Babys R Us, and that is how they got such a nice one!
He just about wiped that cake all over her!
Aren't they so cute!! I think they look like they could be their parents! What a cute family!
After the party, we walked over to the park. Jenny said that Amber was very different having 3 other kids to play with. Usually she and Ben have to entertain her the whole time. I think she enjoyed getting to just sit back and watch them play.


  1. OMG! How cute! I can't believe he is already one! So cute! The new parents do look like they could be the parents. They look so sweet and I am so glad there are people like them and you (and Clay) in this world. I would have balled listening to the special prayer. :)

  2. Those were so sweet! What a fun party. I'm glad you were able to be there and enjoy it with them.

  3. How adorable! I'm so glad to be here!

  4. Too cute- and what special memories!

  5. I'm thinking Twilight should be at the dollar theater in another month or so. I saw they are making a movie of new moon too. But yes, we frequent the red box often! Glad I'm not the only one reading the teenage love stories:)
