We are getting settled into our new house. I am really liking it. Much more than I ever thought I would. I haven't even missed our old one at all. This house has a lot of storage space, and it makes me happy that I have found a home for all of my junk. Because I have a LOT of junk! I have unpacked all our boxes, all I lack is hanging a couple of more curtains, and some of my pictures. I would have that done, but I just spend so much time trying to decide where I want them hung. Then I never like where I hang them...I am a horrible picture hanger.
I hope to get photos of all the rooms soon. I can't seem to keep a room picked up long enough to get a picture of it! I have been having computer trouble too. My internet is possessed on the big computer....it works just fine, until I try to get on to someone's blog, and then it kicks me off the internet. My laptop's keyboard is possessed. The cursor jumps all around, making me have to find my spot and retype my sentences constantly. So, it has really made me frustrated, and I haven't blogged much or e-mailed.
I have been trying some new things....new things for me anyway. We have really been trying to cut back lately, so I have been making my own laundry soap. I have gone from over $20 a month, to $2 a month on laundry detergent. That has been great! Each time I am washing clothes, it makes me feel proud that I am saving money. We have also been washing dishes by hand. It saves several gallons of water each time I don't run the dish washer, in addition to the gas to heat the water, and the electricity to run it. It seems to run forever. I also have a lot of split/cracked fingers because of it. Luckily, the kids actually enjoy it, and they help me out some. For the days the dishes are just really piled up, or I don't feel like standing there, I also have started making my dish detergent.....(so easy, just borax and baking soda...thanks Becky G for posting it on your blog!) I really like it.
I have been making so many more things from scratch, and making most meals....which is quite the accomplishment for me. It has saved me a lot of money on groceries. Just last week, I spent just $80 at Save-A-Lot, and it ended up being enough groceries for a week and I only had to get a few things this week to add to it. That is HUGE since we eat all 3 meals at home everyday plus snacks....and our kids are eating as much as us these days. I have also found a Sunbeam store...LOVE it. Bread products are so much cheaper there. A loaf of bread that was $2.50 at Walmart, was only $1 there.
I am also excited that our area recycles a lot. In Maumelle, it was only cans and newspapers...here, we can recycle newspaper, magazines, junk mail, glass, plastic, cans, and cardboard. We have greatly reduced the numer of garbage bags now.
This our reclycling for 2 weeks...it got backed up b/c it rained one Friday, and I didn't want it to get wet.
Baby Z's formula cans are the perfect size to put one batch of detergent I have made (I make it in powder form) and the scoop is also the perfect measurement for 2 scoops per load.