Sunday, November 29, 2009

Cause ya have a bad day....

Leah is growing up. I am seeing it so much these days. She is very mature acting, reminding me of how my sister was at that age....but her personality also reminds me much of her daddy's. With this maturity, brings about her dis-interest in playing. She would rather read, do crafts, watch t.v...or just be left alone. Rachel, on the other hand loves to play, and hates being alone. She fights alot with Noah, and they share very few interests. Rachel also got along really well with Amber when she lived here....they played together a lot, Amber was usually the one following Rachel around. Rachel will not leave Leah alone. Leah comes downstairs often and says, "ssshhh...don't tell Rachel where I am". She can really drive her crazy, and I hear her often saying "I don't want to play, I need time to myself, or just leave me alone." It makes me feel bad for both of them, b/c I understand how they are both feeling.
One day, Leah had really just had enough. She woke up in a mood, and nothing was going right. She kept asking Rachel to leave her alone, and she kept following her around. It was enough that I was interveining telling her to just leave her alone. Then Rachel was upset, thinking Leah doesn't like her anymore. They were both so frustrated and upset. Rachel dissapeared for awhile, and then came back with this drawing.

Leah took one look at the picture, a smile spread across her face, and her whole mood was turned rightside up again. I praised Rachel for being so sweet, and she was just beaming! It really changed Leah's mood, and the next thing I knew, they had run off to play together. Just like that. Rachel said this photo if of them playing stuffed animals and dolls together.

1 comment:

  1. aw, it makes me sad. i understand both of them too. i wish you could ship your youngest girl to play with my girl - mine's going through it too.

    glad things turned around that day!
