Sunday, May 27, 2007

I was a good mom BEFORE I had kids.....

My brain is so boggled, I can't even remember how I heard about this book....but I think every mom should read it! I will say, it is kinda early for me to be recommending this book....I am still reading the forward, but I just KNOW this book is exactly what we all need to read. Just on the first page There is a Quiz....Sound like you??

1. You secretly wish you had your OWN apartment.
2. If you have to play GO Fish one more time, you will definately poke your eyes out.
3. You lie to your friends about how much babysitting you have. (Or let me much you WISH you had!)
4. Next time your husband goes to Home Depot to "help" you, you think he should just stay there.
5. You fill guilty that you like going to work so much....(again I will add...or you wish you Could go to work!)
6. You consider a trip to the dentist your "alone time" (I remember that feeling as I went for my weekly checkups when I was pregnant with my 3rd child as I went on my husband's lunch break)
7. You plan to get control over your week.
8. You find that slowly strolling the aisles of Target, by yourself, is better than therapy.

My favorite so far, is their description of is so true!

"We love being mothers, we love our children, (especially when they are sleeping..) BUT.....

We are overwhelmed
We feel guilty for EVERYTHING that we don't do, or should have done better
WE feel stretched beyond belief
We judge ourself for being unable to accomplish everything we set out to do
WE compare ourselves to others we think have it all together
We feel out of control
We hav emore "bad mom" days than we care to admit
We are struggling to find balance (if it even exists)
We've lost sight of our identity
We feel alone b/c no one talks honestly about how they really feel

Now, I must say, I fit everyone one of these!

So, I want ALL of you that ever reads my blog to leave me a comment this week about this, and I have a surprise for you!

I know Suzanne, and others talk about this on their blog a lot, and I love to read it. It is encouraging to see I am not alone.


  1. I am every one of those as well.....I consider it a "good day" if I dont have to yell more than twice...LOL.
    I told My sis in law Mandy the other night that I think I was a better mother when I was a teenager than I am now,I have many sneaking suspicions about why that might be...LOL

  2. Amen sista' Maury!

    I felt sooo guilty when I worked, for being gone all the time, and I feel sooo guilty for getting easily irritated with them when I am home, too.

    Seems I cannot win.

    I need to pray for PATIENCE and a LONGER FUSE!

  3. Thank you guys for posting. I totally agree with everything K.T. and Shelley said. We do need to give ourselves a break, but it is so hard! The responsibility of nurturing and teaching someone to be the person they will become is like having the weight of the world on your shoulders!!

    K.T. & Shelley, e-mail me your mailing address at


    Hey girl! I am glad to hear from you! Seems things have been crazy busy lately, but I need to e-mail you. Been getting hungry for Corino's again! LOL

  4. Hey Sister!
    I love all of the pictures of the kids and I am so proud of you for hanging in there with all the insanity in your life! I'm not a mother yet, but I can definately identify with all of those statements about mothers when it comes to being a new wife...I guess in a way husbands are kind of like the sons we never had...until you actually have sons. Then you still have to mother your children and your husband! God rest women's souls!
