Wednesday, May 9, 2007

On my way.......

To register my kids for school! I have struggled with this all year long! My heart very much wants to homeschool my kids.....but like my kids say to me...."my brain won't let me!" I have pretty much been a basket case since we moved to Little Rock, and can't seem to cope with anything. I can't focus to teach them and things are so chaotic all the time. So, we have decided that it is in everyone's best interest to put them in school. I have decided to just start Noah over in Kindergarten, b/c I don't want him to be behind in anyway. So, he and Leah will be in the same grade, and I know they will spend their entire life answering the question..."Are you twins?" I told them they could just say yes if they wanted to! They are only 10 months apart, and have been a lot like twins anyway, so I think this will work out well. I am also going to get Rachel in preschool. I HOPE to get her in the same school they are in, that would be great!

Please pray for me....I have REALLY been struggling, and it has taken a lot just for me to take this step of putting them in school. I just isn't doing them a lot of good keeping them at home protecting them from the world, when their mom at home is crazy as a loon! I really have been hard on myself for not being able to do this, and I carry guilt for putting them in school, but have also felt horrible all year b/c I haven't taught them the way I should.

I am so thankful though, for this year that we have all had together. Even though it has be CRAZY, we have done a lot of fun things together, and gotten closer as a family. Next week will mark one year since Clay quit his job at the bank to be home with the business. We have done more things as a family this year, than I did with my family my entire life, and I am so grateful for that!

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