Friday, July 6, 2007


Clay was gone Saturday, and my sister was visiting, and we were all bored. So, we loaded up and went to Hobby Lobby. We got us some big canvas' to paint to hang up in the playroom. I didn't get a photo of the girl's finished product, but these really brightened up the bare walls in there. I am really loving Noah's picture!

I really like this photo of Rachel's painting. It has all her little strokes...before she finished her painting, she mixed all her paint together and painted over all that she had done making it look like mud, so I am glad I got this photo at the beginnning.

My sister even got in on the action and painted a really cool picture.
Man, look at those ribs....somebody needs to feed that boy!


  1. Oh those are all SO good!!!I would love to do that....and I am sure the kids would get a big kick out of it as well!!!

  2. Ha Ha...the part I forgot to add was how much work it was for me. I didn't sit down the entire time they were painting from having to get something for someone, wash brushes, clean mess, get fresh wore me out!! Even my sister asked me to hand her something a couple of times!

    I wish I would let them paint more often b/c they enjoy it so, and I love to see the results. I need to teach them more each wait their turn for help.

  3. I know girl,Ditto here.My kids wont wait for anything....
