Friday, July 6, 2007

When my kids get my camera.....

My mommy camera that is....they aren't allowed to touch our work cameras. That is why I love my little camera. I like them to be able to take it around and take pictures of it. I always have a good laugh when I load the pictures. I have fun trying to figure out who was taking the pictures.

So these were taken in the playroom....I guess the camera was passed around, b/c there were photos of all 3 kids.

I cna see that they were watching Thomas the Train.
This one of Leah cracks me up!

This photo of the foot.....I think there were at least 10 shots just like this.....Rachel is the guilty one in these next shots....
There were several more of this pose of her feet.
Hmm....nose is a little crusty, and you can literally see her taste buds!

My little photograhers in the making........


  1. The kids used to get ahold of my camera,unbeknownst to me,and take tons of photos just like that.I was afraid they might break it so I finally got them some of the kiddie cameras...well worth the dough...let me tell ya,LOL.Hours of fun for them!!
    My favorite camera is not working right now.....:( but I still have my little digi.

  2. The first picture in the group is very telling. i have seen you give me that look when asking for someone's repair at a certain place we used to work. Usually after being told we would have it ready in a few minutes.

  3. Ha ha Jason, you made me laugh out loud!! Those were the good ol days, huh?? LOL!
