Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Capital at Christmas....

So, I was really wishing I had of brought the good camera. My kiddos were posing left and right! I didn't ask them at all.....every pic I took was their idea! I couldn't believe my little models!
So this picture was taken through the windshield, with the wipers going, while it was raining, with the car moving, with my little camera with no flash.......I am just amazed you can tell that it is a pic of the capital!
The tunnel looks so cool with the lights under it!

This is so pretty in person with the snowflakes hanging and the light shining through.


  1. So pretty! This makes me miss Little Rock and Arkansas! I haven't even been downtown here to see if the capital has lights on it! I really should go and see!

  2. you crack me up! somehow the through the windshield rant was way funny to me!

  3. Oh wow! Beautiful!! Love all the pics.. you can tell your kids are used to being in front of a camera! lol They're all precious!
