Saturday, December 8, 2007

Kara & Nick

Today my sister has to take her husband to the airport for him to fly to Hawaii. He will be there a month or less, and then on to Iraq. He won't even get to spend Christmas with family. What a hard thing to heart breaks for them! He will be over there for a year and half or so I think.
We enjoyed getting to visit with them and have our Christmas early last night. The kids just love their Uncle Nick, and we are going to all miss him! Please pray for their strength during this time, and his safety.


  1. Oh I have thought about it many times-how hard this is for the wives and children.My heart goes out to them.I will be thinking about them alot.

  2. My prayers will go out to this family. I can't even imagine having a father or husband in the military and having them gone for long periods of time.

  3. Good luck to your sister - and her husband. These couples are always in my prayers, they do so much for us!

    As for the snowmen, they are really easy - it's a powder dough nut on the bottom, then two snowballs, and a dough nut hole on top. We used prezel sticks for the arms and nose and then raisins and skittles for eyes and buttons. The hat was the best, it was a Reeces turned upside down. (Sorry it took me so long to respong back!) I hope you post pictures!
