Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Grouchy Ladybug lapbook

This one was done mostly by Rachel, but everyone joined in to do the bug thumbprints.

Titanic Lapbook

We started this last school year, but stopped b/c I couldn't find many things I wanted to put in the lapbook. This one wasn't a free one, or kit to purchase, it was just composed of things I found on the internet, watching the big screen movie (I know it isn't totally accurate, and has a couple of scenes we fast forward through, but it does give an overall feel of how it all really happened), we also watched a video about an underwater excursion to the Titanic on the ocean floor, and some books from the library.
Last year, Noah built a Titanic out of Coca Cola boxes and toilet paper rolls that is pictured on the front cover.

Created a newspaper article
This is a photo (at the bottom) of what they think was the iceberg that the Titanic hit, it was in the area where it went down, and it had red paint on the side of it.
I just googled Titanic printables, and ended up finding a lot of activities and info to add to our lapbook.

Noah drew up some blueprints

Lots of blog updating

I have 3 new post at, check them out.

I have 2 new ones below here as well, so don't miss them either! Lots more to come, I have been very behind.

Also, I am trying to catch up on our school blog as well....

Wordless Wednesday

I want to be a foster mom when I grow up

This is what Leah will say when you ask her what she wants to grow up to be. Don't you know my heart swells with pride when I hear her say that.

I say this over and over again, but I am so amazed and proud of my children's love for our kids. I tell them how much they are helping these babies as well. They are so sweet and loving to them.

It is hard for me to see them sad that Talan is leaving. This was the face she made right after saying, "I wish you didn't have to leave tomorrow". My mom told me the other day that she thinks the kids have learned a lot by pouring love into Talan, even when he isn't able to reciprocate like Zach does. I think she is so right.
I keep telling them that even though Talan won't be living with us anymore, we are going to go see him every week, and try to be involved with activites at his home. We are still his family, maybe not by being his "foster family" anymore, but he is still our family in our hearts. We are all he has.

Noah's cars (a post by Noah)

Today, Z and I were playing with my cars. It is really fun now that he is older and he can really play with me.

We even had a little race
He was rolling my cars across the room
Guess how many cars there is? Leave me a comment with how many you think there are.
Here they are all lined up going across the living room. I have been collecting these Disney Cars for 3 years.

Saying Goodbye

Sorry to leave everyone hanging, (if you are on facebook, you may have seen our decision). After meeting with the doctor and caseworker last Friday, we decided that it would be best if Talan goes to a nursing facility. That is what I had hoped to keep him from going to, but he just has too many needs for another family to take him. With all his special needs, and medical conditions, the doctor suggested that the medical facility would be a good place for him. It is in North Little Rock, and the case worker said it would be fine for us to visit anytime we want to. He will be going tomorrow. I think this is such an answer to prayers. Everyone has told me it is a miracle that he is going to be placed so quickly. I am glad b/c I have been teary most nights thinking about it, so I am ready to just get past this time.
I have had so many different emotions play out, and don't feel like rehashing them right now. It has been a relief to have different people reach out to me, and tell me I am doing the right thing. I have a friend I went to college with that used to work for DHS, and she said she had 3 children placed there, and that Arkansas Pediatric Facility, where he is going, has true angels working there. I have heard great things about it. One of his daycare caretakers used to work there, and had great things to say about it.
I was reassured yesterday, when his daycare nurse told me, "I have been thinking about you, and Talan, and I think you are making the best decision for him". What she said means a lot to me b/c she was involved everyday with his care. I have LOVED his daycare, couldn't have asked for better. Such kind, and sweet people.
Another blessing about all this, was when the social worker from Children's hospital called to talk to Talan's caseworker, she explained just how bad his needs are, and I think it was a lightbulb going off for her. She hasn't realized all along just how bad he was. The good thing about the timing, it happened the day she went to court, and she testified that all of his suffering now, is a result of his head injury. That, along with the parents still not giving a straight story, the judge ordered to terminate parental rights in December. WOW. That is really quick. That makes just 7 months from when he came into care, to when he is terminated.
The good news, this facility doesn't have to be permanent. My prayer is that he makes great progress, and that with the Heart Gallery and getting the word out, we can find him a great family that wants to adopt special needs. He is a precious, precious little boy, and I know there is a family out there waiting for him to be theirs.

These photos were taken last weekend when we went to Hot Springs just for a relaxing day. It was just what we needed. Even Talan seemed to enjoy it. I layed him on the blanket when we were having out picnic, and he was so content. It was a beautiful day, and the fresh air was good for all of us.

Belated-- Rachel's b-day

I am always blog slacking these days. I really did think I had blogged Rachel's b-day though. I think I picked out the pictures, then forgot to do it. Well, now that I know, I can't leave my baby girl out!! She turned 6 years old on Sept 2nd. We did the same for her as the others....just a quiet time with the family, and she was excited it was her turn to make and ice her own cake.

She put bugs, a dinosaur, and a kitty cat on her cake...all her choice that she collected from her toys Those beautiful flowers were from my sweet hubby. While taking a baby to the doc, he took Rachel out to the store to pick something out for herself, and then got these flowers for me. It was a sweet surprise, that I really needed that day.

Her breakfast request, donut holes from Shipley's donuts
Then, the day after her b-day, I had a lunch date with a friend, so dad took them to Chuck E. Cheese while I had a little big girl time. Then I met them there.

Then to Purple Cow for some yummy purple milkshakes and fried cheese.

Noah wanted me to take this photo of these empty sure was yummy!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Children's Book Tuesday: Froggy Goes To Bed

My friend Suzanne at The Joyful Chaos has started a Tuesday series featuring favorite Children's books. I have wanted to participate, but have just been too lazy to take a pic of a book.

We got this book free when Leah was in the Hippy Program when she was 3 yrs old. I was a favorite then, and still is. Not long ago, Leah found several others in this series as well, and we were very excited. Froggy is a little Frog that comes up with any excuse he can to keep from going to bed. Hmmm...I know, 3 little kiddos that do the same thing! This book always makes me laugh...and them too, b/c they know how they are!

My favorite part is how in the end, the mom falls asleep before Froggy....isn't that so true, all their bedtime tricks wear you out more than them?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

blog post

Check out my latest blog post, it is an update on baby T.

How can the anticipation of relief, be so painful

Friday, was the end of a very long and tough week. Talan was sick, or sicker than normal, and I was taking him to the doctor yet again. I hadn't had any sleep b/c he was up all night. You have just not been in a doc waiting room until you have been in the waiting room at Children's GPC clinic. Oh my. Crammed full of coughing, snotty, wild, crying kids. After being in the waiting room for 2 hrs, it had just deteriorated my mood that much more. Then, I saw the doctor, and she told that his fever wasn't high enough, (even though it was the temp every doc has told me to bring him in if he has b/c he has sickle cell), and that his lungs sound fine, so his cough he has had for 2 weeks....well just take him home and see if he gets worse. I-just-about-lost-it. I think she could tell, b/c I went on a rant, going back over all his symptoms again, empahsizing that he just isn't right. So, she finally goes and gets another doc that has seen him before to come look. He walks in, listens for 2 secs, and says, yes, he is definately wheezing. Then tells me I am the mom, and I should be able to tell....I said, "I DID! I came to the doc 2 weeks ago and told them he was wheezing, and they told me he wasn't". Geez.

I am sure that he could see my mood all over my face. He told me, "I meant what I said, the last time I saw you". Which was, that he things people that are willing to take care of special needs children are true angels in his book. That is really sweet, but the way I have been lately, I don't feel like I deserve that title at all. Anyway, I went on to tell him, Thank you, but that it has been really really hard lately. I just about started crying. So he told me he was going to get the social worker to call me and see if she could get me some help. Did she ever, she is my hero!! I had e-mailed my case worker on Thursday about needing respite, by Monday, I still hadn't heard from her. Funny, how the social worker called her, and my phone was ringing within 5 mins from my case worker, and now they are going to get right on getting me some help.

I talked a long time with the social worker about Talan's condition, future, and our family, and how him being here has affected me. I talked with my case worker as well. Both were very helpful and understanding. They called Talan's case worker and talked with her, and tomorrow, there is a meeting scheduled to discuss Talan's long-term health and care plan, and probably a move to a new home. Maybe even a nursing facility. I feel a small sense of relief, but a lot of guilt, and much sadness. I have been teary everytime I think about it today. I told Clay that I feel like a kid that got in trouble and is being called to the principal's office. Just b/c I made the decision that I can't keep him, doesn't make this any easier. Harder I think. I do feel a little peace though b/c it seems that the docs clinic is all in agreement, and going to bat for me saying that his care needs are very extensive, and it is too much for me. They agreed that he is indeed a full time job all on his own. They explained to T's caseworker that his condition will probably not improve. I have been trying to tell her that all along, and she brushes it off everytime, and acts like what is wrong with him is no big deal.

I saw photos of his brain MRI yesterday. Oh my. There are times when I am interacting with him that I think to myself, "is anybody home"? He seems so distant...his eyes have no expression to them. Now that I have seen his brain, I understand. His damage is very bad. I want to take his parents out, shake the crap out of them, and then they need to be shot. I think they should have to spend years in jail for what they did. They didn't kill him, but they did kill a big part of him. I hope they realize just the extent of what they did, and will live with that for the rest of their life, and wonder what their little boy would have been.

I do believe in miracles. I have seen cases where people have totally beat the odds with brain injuries....but I also see where he is at now, and that he is making very minimal progress, if any at all.

Please pray for me, and the doctors, and the decision that is made tomorrow, that it will be what is best for Talan, and for our family.

** BYW, I finally heard back about our board payment, and it was approved of course, it didn't start until almost 2 months after I first submitted my letter. I wonder how much more the state will be paying that nursing facility to care for him verses my piddly raise I had to beg for.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Have you ever seen the end of a rainbow?

Today, on the way back from Hot Springs, we got into town, and it was raining, and the sun was shining, and we saw this rainbow!

As we drove further, you could actually see the whole thing across the sky. It was raining to hard to take it though out the front window, but here, from the side, I captured the other side.
Leah shouted out, "let me know when we drive under it!" and we laughed, and said you can't do that. Well guess what? As we were driving, we actually saw the end of the rainbow, right in front of us, it came down from the sky, and was reflecting on the road in front of us. We drove right through the end of the rainbow. Sure enough, I turned around and saw it back to the side of us! Noah said, "hey, where is the pot of gold?"

It is kinda hard to see, but do you see it?