Sunday, January 31, 2010

a snow weekend...

Friday morning we woke up to the beginnings of white on the ground, and no school.
We probably wouldn't have gone to school anyway, as all 3 kids and me were running fever Thursday night. 2 kids snapped out of it, but Leah woke up with fever still. That is her, with her head covered up. She wasn't much into the snow excitement as the rest of us.

She wasn't going to go outside, but we decided the cold might help her fever...great mother rationing, huh?

Overnight, it snowed/sleeted more, and everything was white this morning, and hard. Noah and Rachel went out first thing, and came in soon complaining that it wasn't much fun.

Then our neighbor came on the scene

And great fun was had by all!

Friday, January 29, 2010

blog post

Click here to read all about how I tried to get pictures of the 5 kids on Christmas morning.

and, if you are new here, and don't have access to my private blog, you may e-mail me at and I will send you an invite. I am happy for you to look, I just have to keep it private to protect our youngest children.

pics of 5 kids on Christmas

Yes, I am still blogging pictures from Christmas...that is just how I roll these days.
Christmas morning, I was getting myself and 5 kids ready, packed, presents can imagine my chaos that morning trying to get myself together to travel down to my family's house to stay the night. I had to give both babies a bath. I started with Zachariah, and Christian was fussy, so Rachel picked him up and sat down on the stairs to wait his turn. (the stairs are directly across from the bathroom). I got Zachariah finished and dressed, and turned around to get Christian, and he and Rachel just looked too cute, so I had to go get my camera. (yes, I had trimmed her bangs, and it is very obvious I missed a spot :)

As I was taking their photo, I turned around and saw that Zachariah had climbed BACK in the bathtub fully dressed. Luckily most of the water had run out at that point. But then, he ran over and sat down on the stairs beside them, so again, I thought they looked too cute, and grabbed my camera again...wet and all.
So then I got the idea that I need to get one of all 5...afterall it was Christmas morning, and everyone was mostly ready and cute. I should have just stopped with the first, b/c well, this is as good as it gets.
Noah and Rachel's eyes are on Zach, who has run away.
We got him again, but now Noah isn't looking. As you see, we also have the lovely stuff on the stairs. When I pick up, I set stuff there to be carried up for the next trip that I don't have a baby in my arms.
Another attempt....he decided to escape the other direction

Everyone smiling, but Zach is escaping again...
Well, everyone dispursed, so I just went back to my original plan, photographing these 2 cuties :)
This was just 3 days after he got out of the hospital

And one more....the whole crew packed up, and ready to roll out to grandma's!

All tied up

Noah wanted someone to tie him up, and I wouldn't do it, so he got his sissy to do it. While I was looking at this just made me is so us.
In the background you can see the broom in the floor...that is from Little Z....he loves to carry around the broom these days. The table is still a mess....the table is always a mess, but this day it had been cleaned up so that we could work on Noah's gummy bug making kit he got for Christmas.

Upon closer looking in this see the garbage can on the counter to prevent Z from digging in it...the drawers are all pulled partly open...b/c of Z. The cabinet door isn't isn't ever shut, it won't stay shut. There is a food wrapper in the floor....there seems to always be trash, no matter how many times I pick it up. Yep. That is just us. And it makes me smile b/c it means I have a house full of beautiful children. It means that our baby Z has been with us long enough that he is now a toddler, and I will move my trash can and close doors happily, all day long.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Homemade Christmas, Hawaii Style

This year, most of my Christmas gifts to everyone were homemade. That is just what I had the funds for, and also the way I think Christmas should be. I am inspired by Little House on the Prarie I guess. Anyway, my sister and I made a pact that we would only give homemade gifts to each other. I want to share mine with you. They are just beautiful. She printed off 4 photographs that she and my mom took in Hawaii. She played with the saturation a bit, and they are beautiful works of art. I finally figured out where I wanted to hang them today.
I have horrible picture hanging skills. The photo in the middle came about b/c of some crazy unevenness that I came up with, but it makes me happy to look at, and that is all that matters!
The middle photo is a Hawaiian hand carved frame that she gave me for my birthday, and I had just stuck Noah's necklace she gave him on there too, but I took it down. I should have included in the photo, right under it is my beautiful beads she got me from there, one of my favorite things ever. I am going to have to include that and my hand carved dolphin bowl sometime. I tell ya, it is pretty cool having a sister in Hawaii...we get the neatest gifts!

I hope your day is.....

just as blessed as mine. :)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

It's the little things....

that make me happy. Like the $10 I spent on my laundry room yesterday. I was frustrated b/c obviously, laundry is a big job around here, but I only have a laundry closet, and my laundry and everything else spills out into the kitchen all the time. One big issue I have had is hangers....everywhere. All the hanging space I have goes to clothes. If you look at the hooks on the wall in the background, they are usually covered in hanging clothes. And it doesn't take much to crowd me out, and there surely isn't room to hang empty hangers. So, where are they? Tangled up in a laundry basket, or spilled out all over the floor....and I am stepping on them, breaking them, and sliding down. I was looking around yesterday trying to figure out what I could do to help myself out, so I went in search at the Dollar Stores.
I got these over the door hanging hooks that I can use for the adult clothes.

On the shelf, I was already using the containers to sort each child's clothes out in, so when it is full, I just hand them the bucket and have them go put them away. Thanks to Angie for the idea. The basket beside is for my 100's of socks. When the basket is overflowing, I fold socks. (that would be about every 2 days.) I got a shower curtain rod for $8 to hang below the shelf to put all my hangers on it. has made my laundry day so much better today!! Clay said that should save me about an hour a week, untangling hangers....I think it saved more than that. At first he said, "you paid $8 just to have something to hang empty hangers on?" And I sure did, and it was worth every dollar for my sanity! Hey, $8 for a hanging rod, $1 for a theraputic all comes out in the end, don't ya think?

therapy from the Goodwill Store

As I have been researching sensory therapy for Z, I came across a products list for things you can buy that will help children regulate their bodies. I should talk more about this later so you know what I am talking about, but for now you can check out this website if you are interested.
Anyway, one of the products was a sit and spin, listed for $25 on their site. I thought this would be something that would work well for him, but knew I could find it cheaper somewhere else. Sure enough, yesterday, at the Goodwill store, I found it for $1. Yep, and we love it.

It is even good for over hiper 7 yr olds....
and 6 yr olds...
and a way that big sister can be involved with helping him out, without even knowing it.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Not much to blog about...

I want to blog, but just don't have much to blog about on this blog these days. It seems like most of what is going on around here these days involves things I can't talk about publicly, and most of my photos have the babies included, so I can't post those either. Things are just different around here now, our life is rush, rush, rush, so there isn't much chance to grab the camera out.
Maybe I will get inspired this weekend to take some photos of the kids, I doubt we will be doing anything fun....we don't seem to do much these days.
If you read this post, please leave me a comment. I am wondering how many readers I have these days. I know I don't comment on other blogs the way I used to, and other ones that used to comment don't really blog anymore, so I am just wondering who all is out there reading these days.
So, for now, I will leave you with a photo of Clay and Me,
and of my sister Kara, and her husband Nick. They live in Hawaii now. Man, I wish I could fly out and see her! I am so glad they got to come home for Christmas and we got to see them. I sure to miss her living so far away.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

What FASD means for us right now....

This one is a tough one, b/c with his history of drug exposure as well, you don't really know where things are coming from. They told me it is actually very hard to diagnose it, and even more so at a young age, so I kinda felt lucky to get the diagnosis. I haven't quit figured out how to go about getting it, but they said that his diagnosis will qualify him for SSI, which he will get even once he is adopted. And he can stay on Medicaid, which will be nice, b/c if pays for everything medical.

When he was first diagnosed, the doctor asked me how I felt about him having that diagnosis. I told her it didn't affect us at all, and in a way, I was relieve wthat it would help him get money for the future. I know we don't have any guarantees that any of our children won't get an illness. I do know, though he already has cards stacked against him, and will need therapies and such, and we have no idea what the road ahead will be like.

I didn't think at first that the FASD would really mean any different from the drug exposure, so it didn't change things for me in my mind at all. We all love Zachariah, and we are all committed to just take each day at a time with him, each problem at a time, and deal with that. I am learning that the alcohol affects are much worse than the drug affects. As in, if he develops ADHD, or other behavior things as a result, medication may not help. His brain was affected while it was developing, so it is different. I have to learn new ways for him.
He was diagnosed when he was about 13 months based on the things I have mentioned. At the time, he didn't seem like he had any delays, but I was noticing some behavior things, and some sensory things, but both could have been contributed to his age...b/c 1 yr olds have tantrums, some babies rock themselves to sooth, and make weird noises.
Now he is 18 months old. He doesn't sleep well at night. This is one of the most common things I am finding with children with FASD. I am finding that I am lucky, in that when he wakes up, he begins his self soothing, and doesn't cry out for me to come to him. Some nights, he will sleep just fine. The other night, Christian was carrying on, and it never phased Zach's snoring. Other nights, like last night, he "rocks the house" most of the night. I use that term b/c in our 2 story home, his rocking and head banging literally do vibrate the ceiling downstairs. My mom, who slept on our couch one night can vouch for that! She was lucky enough to stay with us on one of his sleepless nights. He kept her awake most of the night....and me, being right across the hall, never even knew he was awake, b/c he never cried out for me. He wakes up, and either rocks back and forth, or will bang his head on the mattress in a rhythmic pattern. And the beat of his rocking. I talked with the FASD team about it, and they said there is really nothing I can to do for him. He isn't in distress, he is self soothing, and to just work out how it affects the rest of the family. Well, it really doesn't affect anyone. I do hear it when I get up with Christian, and it used to really stress me the extent that I couldn't fall back asleep, but the FASD team eased a lot of my concerns. I bought him a glowworm for Christmas, and also hung a music player in his bed. Now, I know he is awake b/c I will hear his music playing. He has been a lot calmer with his thrashing since I got those things for him, b/c he has things to do while he is awake. I also play soothing music all night long. The team seems to think he will grow out of some of these sensory issues, and I am anxious to begin occupational therapy with him, which they think he will benefit from the most.
Behavior. That one is hard right now b/c 1 1/2 year olds have tantrums. Rachel was the queen of them. Zachariah's on the other hand, or more frequent, and more irrational. He will just throw down his body and scream. I can usually sooth and calm him easily, luckily. What is scary for me is that he rares his head back full force and hits the floor. Yes, he may cry that it hurt, but will again, do it 5 mins later. He doesn't seem to learn from pain. I have learned to see them coming some, and will stick my foot out to brace his head fall.
He is slow to understand consequences, as in, tumbling down the stairs, he can't understand that he has to ease down them...he is learning though, it is just slower learning for him that with other children. That is what I am learning. He does learn things, but it takes longer. I was told, if it takes a "normal" child 2-3 times to learn something, it may take 100 times for him, but he will get it. Patience....yes learning lots of patience. It is a good thing I am an older, mom, with some experience, as my patience level with babies has mellowed alot, and it is easier for me to tolerate his behaviors than I did when my kids were little. It does help to know these things about his brain, to know it just takes him longer.

Well this is a long post, so I will end for now...still have more to say for another day.

Monday, January 18, 2010

3 months

I am working on my second post on FASD, but for now, I have to tell you all about our little bit at 3 months old. He is weighing in at about 11 lbs now. He is such a cutie... I am just so in love with him. He is just beautiful, like his brother. He does officially have brown eyes. They have been gray for awhile, so I wasn't sure what they were going to be, but he has now joined the house of brown eyes, putting Noah and me the odd people out with our hazel eyes. He is holding his head up really well, smiling, cooing, sleeping through the night (AWESOME! :) and rolling over. He actually did this at 6 weeks and totally surprised us, but had stopped for awhile after coming out of the hospital. I think this is mainly contributed to the fact that he does not want me to put him down, and when I say me, I mean ME. Oh my, this is the biggest momma's baby I have ever had. He wants me, all the time. He has become pretty fussy, and I am wondering if a formula change would help any. I love that he is so bonded with me, but it is also bittersweet with the uncertainty of his fate.
He is a very alert baby, and seems to be pretty close on target with his milestones. Besides the fussiness, he is doing great, and we just love having him in our family! I feel like he completes our family, and I am praying, (begging) that the Lord sees it through for him to stay with us. Here he is in his stroller at the zoo yesterday. See him staring at me? I had the visor adjusted and he could see up, and he kept his eyes on me. He will break his neck to keep his eyes on me when I am moving about the room. If I am not holding him, he wants me in his sight.
I tried to take our picture, and he kept just looking at me

Beautiful brown eyes, and long pretty eyelashes too. I notice eyelashes b/c I have such puney ones. All my kids have better eyelashes than I do.
A rare moment that he allowed someone else to feed/comfort him

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Literacy night at school

Before Christmas, they had a literacy night at school. I was kinda confused leading up to it, b/c the kids kept coming home singing Christmas songs, and I think even they thought they were learning them for this night. It ended up, it was for a Christmas program at school the last day before x-mas break, and I didn't even know about it to attend. Our kids are so quiet, when they don't know something, they don't ask, and did get very good info to tell me, so I missed out on that.

Anyway, for literacy night, each grade had their own thing they did. Rachel's class sang a song about the alphabet, all the words were Christmas related words.
It is a good thing Rachel had her friend standing beside her to watch, b/c she didn't take her eyes off her the whole time. She just watched her and did what she was doing. It was so funny. She had a good time up there.
I couldn't get a very good shot of Leah. She is the one taller than the boys around here in the back :) with the red hairbow. I think theirs was a poem about Christmas that they read.
Noah acted so shy and nervous. She never looked up from his paper, and fidgeted the whole time. It is so funny how he and Rachel were so oposite, yet Noah is my outgoing child that will talk to anyone, and Rachel is super shy. They read a story about Christmas.