Friday, January 15, 2010

Polar Express Day

I say this every week, that I need to catch up on my blogging, I am going to TRY. On this day, before Christmas break, the 1st graders had a Polar Express day. They have been reading the book, and writing about it. I have never read the book, but it is a lot different from the movie. The kids were so excited! They got to bring p.j.'s and pillows and blankets, and the stage was fixed up like a train, and they had snacks and hot chocolate. It was so fun to get to go up there and be part of it. I have never seen more excited 1st graders all together...they were so cute!

I went early so I could eat lunch with all 3 kids while I was there. Being in the grades they are, their lunches just fall every 20 mins, so can just stay put, and have lunch with all of them within an hour.
This was when Baby C was in the hospital, and when I look at these photos, I see the stress in my face, and I felt it at the time, but it is all such a blur. I was trying to be everywhere at once. I never even thought about putting on my makeup so that I could look a little better. Geez.

She was all smiles all day long. She loves her teacher, loves her classmates, and has just adjusted so well to school. It is so fun to see her confidence grow and her excitement.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun way to take a break from the stress of the hospital and a very sick little baby! You look beautiful, btw!!
