Saturday, January 5, 2008

Ahhhh.....I am on the internet!!

Yes, I am a very sad person. I went a whole day without internet yesterday, and am just now on it today at 3:00 p.m. And I wasn't even home yesterday until 5, and then we had a basketball game, and then I went to Kroger, and then we made salsa, and watch a movie...and I read in between that. But all of those things I listed, I would have normally checked my e-mail after I did each of those things....and checked in on you guys to see what you are up to. Yes, Clay and the kids were all home, and I still felt lonely. Pitiful......and it is going to take a lot of getting used to. It really is I lost my best friend......or many friends! You guys keep me company, relax me when everyone at home is getting on my nerves. Entertain me when I want just a few minute break from LIFE. Ooh and Aah and flatter me over my TONS of pics of my kids...make me feel good....excited that even though My Husband could care less about the pics I take of the kids, and the many stupid things I have to guys all do. And were there for me at any time of the day. I knew if I posted a blog, within the next hour, someone would be there for me. Now, I will post my blog, go home and wonder until the next day or the next, what did you have to say??

Today I checked my e-mail and I had 17 messages. Some were junk, I am sure one was an advertisement for viagra or something...(Do you all get those obsene e-mails all the time??) A few offers for discounts to order pics, but also e-mails, pictures from Robin, several myspace comments, my cousin Jamie waiting to be my friend on myspace, and blog comments. So, I am not alone still, luckily.

O.K.....I must finish my pity party to go home and finish cleaning house. No pics on the blog today unless you want to look at wedding pics, and you can check out Clay's handy work on our photograhy blog in just a bit, I am going to post those before I leave. I don't have any family pics on this computer, and haven't quite decided how I am going to go about bringing them up here without too much trouble.

Everyone enjoy your weekend!


  1. 47 mins!!! We miss you too. You not having a computer cramps out stuff too. You had gotten really good about posting often so I knew I could always exspect something new. Now nothing!!! I was so excited when I seen your post!! You are just going to have to be at the office more!!

  2. Thank you Rosjuane!!!! It feels so nice to be missed!!!

    I promise I will try to still be good about the blog!

  3. I missed you too and your fun pictures! You are amazing to go without the internet, but I have to admit I have cut down on blogging lately. November I tried to do a blog a day and it go to be a burden so I have cut back. There is something wonderful about opening google reader and seeing all the fun new posts from people though!

  4. Oh gosh.. no internet? I don't blame you though.. those rates are OUTRAGEOUS! There should be a law against that... aren't we gaurenteed life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness online? ;)
