Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Christmas at my parent's

We spent our Christmas day at my parent's house. We went to Clay's family on Christmas Eve, and I forgot to get the camera out there. We were excited to get some new movies, b/c as of yesterday, we no longer have cable...(and the internet at home will be gone shortly....)

Rachel LOVES this ballerina costume my aunt got her!

Isn't this just the coolest bow EVER!?!? My aunt apologized for not having real bows, and I was like, are you Kidding ME!?! These are COOL!

My sister was SO SURPRISED to get a camera! She has needed one, and especially now....looks like she is going to get to make a trip to Hawaii to see her hubby before he has to leave. I am SO JEALOUS she gets to go to Hawaii! I will have to hurt her if she don't take a ton of pictures!
My mom and my Memommy....they both celebrated Birthdays in December, and my grandmother had made a cake and we all sang to them.


  1. Who needs real bows when you have those. They are so cute.

  2. i LOVE that bow idea! so why will you not have cable and internet? just being nosey
