Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Round 2 of the snow

We went out for round 2 with the snow about noon, and it is a good thing b/c shortly after, it all melted. What a fun day!
It is a shame that this is the only way I ever get to document me with the family is like this. What good is it to have a husband that is a photographer!?!

Our neighbor Sam got to come over and play too. I love to watch him...he just laughs and smiles all the time!
She just looks like she is up to something, doesn't she?
This is Sam's yard....what a mess! I would not have let Noah do this if she wasn't already letting Sam go down the hill...her poor yard!
Rachel found a big icycle on the heating unit
Sam just threw a big snowball at Noah

Clay just landed a snowball right between Rachel's eyes. She wasn't hurt, just mad he did it!

Again...Leah up to something! She was throwing that big snowball at Clay.

Noah's snowman. Everyone else had gone in, and he stayed out there and built it himself. He was so proud of his snowman, and is sad he is melted! Leah told him his snowman looked like a dump. Wow, aren't sister's sweet!!!


  1. Okay I am SOOO Jealous!!!!Looks like you all had an awesome time!!

  2. Ok, you tell Clay we expect some better pictures of you soon. How funny that you have to take your own still.
