Monday, June 9, 2008

Brewing storm

This is what the sky looked like about 1 minute before it started pouring today. I was trying out our new 40D camera that arrived today. We had to get a new camera to go along with our 5 D b/c our 30D DIED at my last wedding. I was just using it during the ceremony, and it went out. That is why it is SUPER DUPER important to have a backup at all times. I would have been SCREWED had that been my only camera. I shutter to think about it. They were having a rebate on the 40D, so it was only a little bit more than the 30D, so we got it. I think I will like it, only the buttons are slightly different from our other 2 cameras, and learning anything technical new at all boggles my brain. So, I will have to be practicing the next 2 weeks before our next wedding in July. We have sent the other one off to see if it can be repaired. There went our stimulus check...yuck.


  1. I hate that the 30 and 40 differ on buttons; it makes going back and forth hard. I can only "be used to" one, and the other is confusing!!

  2. I am glad I am not the only one that feels that way! I don't like change, and I get confused easy!
