Monday, June 30, 2008

What to blog about???

I couldn't really decide what to blog about, but it has been 2 days, so I feel behind! LOL Clay spend the day working on our computer as it declared when he was ready to create an album, that it was totally full! We were like...WHAT?? Well, he got it all worked out, found some hidden files, and then we worked on backing up all our family photos, and getting them off the work computer to my laptop. Are you sitting down? Want to know how many family photos we have on our laptop??? Over 23,000! You think I share a lot with you on aint seen nothing! You can imagine that Clay didn't think it was as comical as I did. That is only for 5 years. The first 2 years of Noah's life was documented on film. And not to mention the previous years before he came along. I started taking pictures around the time my sister was born, and she is 20, so you can imagine. I have boxes of old photos...they used to be in albums, but I thought they would take up less space if I just took them out of the albums. You know, after moving 5 times and listening to my husband gripe about ALL THE PICTURES....I thought I would do something, but that hasn't helped much. Maybe I need therapy. I think I may be addicted to taking pictures. Hmmm

So, this blog is just a little about everything we have been doing the last few weeks that I haven't blogged about.

Man...this is the time of year we want to go to the zoo, and it is just TOO HOT! This was the only time that the kids weren't complaining I think!
Rachel's new thing is fixing her own hair. And that doesn't entail brushing it. She comes up with some craziness too. And gets MAD if I try to redo it. She also likes to leave it fixed for a couple of days. And...she has even washed her hair with her ponytail holder in tact. I do fight it when it is really important, but most days, it just aint worth it.
My washing man. I taught my girls this weekend. At supper, they were all 3 aruging over who would help me with laundry. That will last I am sure, until it is time for someone to actually DO it.
This is Clay's YUMMY cheesecake he made with the springform pan I got him for Father's Day. I mean...YUMMY! Watching the food Channel is paying off.

This is the "bee" lady at the library program.

The kids at the library program...playing instruments to sound like a swarm of bees. It was SO LOUD in there! Look at Rachel's SERIOUS tan line! She needs whatever style suit Leah wears apparently.
I babysat for my friend a couple of weeks ago, and then the neighbor came over, so I had 6 kids here. They all acted so good....the kids had a blast.

You may get tired of pics of my boy cleaning....but you know I don't! Haha.. This day, he voluntarily cleaned the girl's room. Then wanted to know if I would pay him. So, I told him if he would vacuum too, then I would give him a quarter.
This was the day before I got my haircut. I had attempted to fix it that morning, but it drove me crazy, so it wasn't long until it was up.
And this is the "do" that Clay HATES. He said....Slicked back, with all those fuzzy curls sticking out.
So....Sat morning, Rachel wanted to fix my hair, and was sad it wouldn't go in a ponytail. So this is the style she came up with me. I harrassed Clay, telling him I could STILL wear a lovely hairdo with my hair short. It would just be TWO ponytails! Ha This picture does not give it the full effect.


  1. See, you had more to blog about than you thought! :)

    I know what you mean about the pictures (though I am not sure I have quite as many as you do!). I have been taking pictures since I was a kid so I have lots of old ones in albums. Thanks goodness for digital--so much easier to store!!!

  2. I actually think Rachel's hair looks good! :) I'm sure Chris hates my hair looking the same every single day, but after seeing how cute your hair looked shorter, I made an appt for next Saturday to get mine whacked! Chris never comments, but I know he hates it! haha On the pics, I have got to where I upload them and print them off Snapfish or Clark and put them in albums, otherwise I would never be able to keep up with them! :)

  3. Good grief, sister! Nothing to blog about, huh? I'm so sorry I haven't commented in a quite a while. I was going to go back thru all the posts that I missed commenting on (I've read them all...just didn't comment like I should have). I love Rachel's tan line!! How sweet!! The bee lady looked a bit scary to me. And, 23,000 pictures?!?!?!? Honey hush!

  4. OH MY GOSH........I forgot to say something about your hair! I love your new hair (or what I can see of it!). I love short hair cuts. Your naturally wavy/curly hair looks really good short!!!!!!

  5. Where do I even start? Your kids are just so cute! And that is funny about Rachel wanting to fix her own hair and wash it with the holder still in it. Haha!! Noah is such a hard little worker... And even though I only seen a glimpse of the girls room it looks very cute to me! Post a pic of the whole thing!!! What did Clay say about your new 2 ponytail do???

  6. Springform pan for Father's Day!!?!? I think the next time I visit we can go and have a huge muffin for lunch and then to your house for THAT for a mid-afternoon SNACK!!!! That looks SO good!

  7. My girl wants to do her own brushing,but it is just a ploy for me NOT to brush it.She wants a boys haircut....when I asked her why she said..."Because its nappy"I burst out laughing,it was hilarious!!!

    Cheesecake is a weakness and now I want some!!!!

    We want to go to the zoo too but we went June of last year and was so hot that we didnt get all the way through the was awful.I figure Oct would be a good month...LOL

  8. Heather...I think your hair will be cute! You will have to post a picture.

    Laken...Clay didn't say anything about the hair...but I got some looks...meaning...I don't think so! LOL

    I will have to post pics of their hair. I told Leah, and she said...o.k...the next time I clean it up you can take a picture!

  9. How fun that Rachel likes to do her own hair, and yours for that matter! I think you found lots of stuff to blog about.

    Thanks by the way for that old picture you sent. I remember those days!
