Thursday, January 15, 2009

Nature Center

Yesterday we went to the new Nature Center in downtown Little Rock. It is right beside the Museum of Discovery, so afterwards we went over there too. This Nature Center is so cool, and it is FREE! Our kids loved it. It is right along the river, in a neat setting. We have been getting out of the house a lot this week. I have been missing our 2 kids that left, but it has also been nice to fit back in a vehicle together again, and to be able to be on the go easily. It is not good for us to stay cooped up in this house all the time! Baby Z is very good at outings, I have no complaints with that!

You would have thought it was freezing in there, Rachel insisted on leaving her hood on the whole time!

The kids were fascinated with all the different animal furs they had.
Leah kept telling Clay to take a picture of this Turkey!

This stroller was one of our best purchases for him

Here they are watching the 10 min film they have....notice the hood is still on!

I think this boy is teething....he chews on anything he can get his hands on these days! (don't look too closely, you can see how dry my hands are!)

At the museum of Discovery....Noah loves to work this puzzle of Arkansas everytime we go


  1. Looks like a load of fun! Glad that you took the unibomber with you on your outting! LOL

  2. Oh I didn't know it had opened yet! Is it very different from the one in PB? If so, I would love to take my kids!

  3. What great pictures and darling children! We are so glad you visited the Museum of Discovery. Come back soon---we've got COLD BLOODED CREATURES starting tomorrow, Wednesday.
