Monday, August 31, 2009


I was trying out different lens for another blog post you will learn about later, and I chose Noah as my subject (only b/c he happened to walk by at the moment, and I didn't have to worry about unbrushed hair).
My big 8 year old boy. Man, I can really tell how he is changing....such a boy he is.
At first, he didn't want to cooperate. He was feeling dejected b/c his friend from across the street had to go home.
I mean, he really didn't want to cooperate.
He'd kill me for this one...but I had to show, he just wan't cooperating. Then I told him that I was going to use the one of him picking his nose on my blog...
And he just couldn't hold those smiles back any more
There's my Noah with his sparkling eyes and big grin
But then the 8 yr old Noah started to show through again
So then I started tickling him

And then he was just his silly ol self again

Zachariah's b-day

In all the busyness this summer, I forgot to blog pics of Zachariah's actual birthday. His caseworker brought this cake over for him, and she joined our party. I am kicking myself for not getting a photo of her with him b/c she has been a very important part of his life. I think it is great that she wanted to be a part of his day!

Zachariah's b-day trip to McDonald's

On Zachariah's b-day, I took him and the big kids to McDonald's for his 1st Happy Meal. It was wild, and I was WORN OUT when we left. As soon as we sat down, had pulled over Noah's full drink. Then he kept throwing his food everywhere. Then wanted to go play at the slide, but kept crawling away, and getting mad at me for trying to coral him. Wheh....but he loved those french fries!

I love to watch little babies use their whole hands to feed themselves....just how they hold their food is so cute!

So much sweetness...

I never get tired of looking at all this sweetness of baby Zachariah. I can't believe it has been over a year since he joined our family. I remember this top photo, my blog post said, "So worth the wait". He sure was, and still is....and gosh, he is just so darn cute! He has so much personality now, he keeps me laughing everyday.

His little gums are so swollen here from his top teeth coming in

Sunday, August 30, 2009

beautiful August day

Today was such a BEAUTIFUL day! The kids enjoyed it by spending most of the day outside...voluntarily, I might add. Noah has made friends with a neighbor boy from across the street who is his same age, and the 4 of them played together great. I love that I get to always be around and watch my kids play when they are with their friends. We have been blessed to have kids for them to play with everywhere we have lived.

the girls were pretending they were going fishing with a homemade pole

He likes cake too...

This is what happens when you have a too tired toddler that loves cake, who is a bottomless pit, and he finishes his cake. Bless his heart...his momma had to stop before cleaning him up to take a picture of his finest moment.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Summer Library Programs

I have been putting off this post b/c I wanted to get all my pictures together. I think some are still missing, but this will have to do. I sign our kids up for the library program every year, but have never in the past got around to making it to any of them. This year, we sign up at 2 different libraries, and made it to a lot of them. It is much more exciting for them now that they are able to read. It was quit a job keeping up with all their books, what they had read, entering them online, remember what goes where, what time and day each program was....but we did pretty good. The kids loved it too.

At the Laman Library, the kids were keeping up with what they had read online. The top readers had a book donated to the library in honor of them, and they have their name inside the book. That was so exciting. You can actually go to the card catalog, type in their name, and the book will come up. How cool! Once I found out the 2 oldest had one, I felt really bad that I hadn't read enough to Rachel through the summer b/c she didn't get one. Now we know for next year.

The kids all got a coupon at the end of the program to get a free kid's meal from Moe's. It is so yummy, and we had a blast eating there.

The inside wording dedicating the books to them

The Laman library is also beautiful, and has a very relaxing fountain/pond/walkway around it.

I told Noah to give Leah a kiss....
and she said, "I am getting outa here!"
This is the library...

Their sticker charts keeping up with their progress

Noah, always in the History section
Mosaics day

Leah always has to sit down and start reading while she waits on everyone else.

A magician came one week, and he was hilarious!

The Kinder's Music was my first time to hear them, and I really enjoyed it.