Saturday, August 8, 2009

Our school room

I am not sure how many times I have done a blog post on our newly decorated school room. I think we had 4 different rooms at our other house b/c I am always switching rooms up. We are on our 2nd one in this house too. What can I say, I get bored easily, and always think I can come up with a "better" use of my space. Well, I am pretty happy with our room for now, and think it will stay awhile. I am excited about this school year. I went out and purchased these black card tables to go with a desk I already have, so now the kids all have their own space. This room used to be our living room but it was tiny, so we moved to a bigger room, but couldn't get that big heavy couch out of there, so it had to stay. Which I miss when I am tired watching t.v.(not that I get to sit still much anyway). I love it being in the school room though b/c I can be comfy while I am giving out direction...and it is a great place to snuggle up with them for a book.
We start school tomorrow, and I am really excited to be teaching my 3rd, 2nd, and 1st grader!
The photo below is Noah's "before" picture of his desk. I cleaned this room while they were gone. I just uncovered layers and layers for homemade books, drawings, and projects in the making. I think this messiness is the sign of a true artist.

Here is Leah's. Leah does well with her own space. It is funny to me b/c Noah is my cleaner, and Leah is my well, lazy girl, and she keeps her desk much neater than Noah.
Rachel's desk
Look at our library books. These are from 2 it is a log...but you know, they all get read mostly before we have to take them back. We just love the library.
My favorite area of the room....the couch
Noah's desk when it is clean
This is our shelf for our homemade projects to be displayed
The kid's computer...they do their reading lessons here
Here is my shelf...where I keep all our school books and lapbooks


  1. It looks great. Noah's desk looks about like mine after one week of school. Hope you all have fun this year with schooling.

  2. Hi Maury
    Wishing you a great first day back at homeschool. Your school room looks wonderful. Everything looks so well organized and a perfect environment for learning. The couch looks great there and a wonderful place to share story time.

  3. This is so exciting. I wish I could be a little bug on the wall to watch all this fun and learning.
