Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Our new pets

If anyone heard my freaking out last year about the little mice that were in my house, you would be very surprised by our newest pets. I just about had a STROKE when we had mice in our house. I love my kids bunches though, so I have decided try to overcome my fear, and allow them to have pet mice. This is part of their Christmas present. They had the choice of 3 mice, or 1 hamster, and they all wanted their own.

Meet Squeaky (Rachel's)
Chili (Leah's)
and Anakin (Noah's, of course!)

Those boogers are hard to take pictures of!
Oh my, do they stink. That is what is going to send me over the edge. Any suggestions anyone?


  1. FUN! Your kids must be so happy!

  2. You are better than me- I'd have a stroke even if they were locked up in a cage! Good luck!!!

  3. That is too funny! I can't believe you got mice. I had one once that was pregnant - I watched her have her babies - pretty cool. No advice on the stink, it just didn't bother me that much.

    By the way, I just realized your posts haven't been showing up in my reader - sorry I'm so behind!
