As we were in court the other day, it was testified that our babies were brought into care as a result of Garrett's law. I have always known why they were brought into care, and I have heard of that law, but I wanted to look more into it. There is a lot of different viewpoints on it...which I guess I am not surprised. One lady was complaining b/c she smoked "just a little pot", and lost her baby as a result. I just want to ask...why would you even smoke it when you know you are pregnant? I don't judge people that did these things before they knew...but once you know, why would you, unless you do have a problem that needs to be investigated. There are also tests that some states do to that determine if the baby was exposed to alcohol. Most states won't do that, b/c alcohol is a legal drug...yet my child will suffer his entire life from the effects of his mother's drinking. Come spend an hour with me in the morning, and watch my poor child cling to me crying b/c he can't express how he feels, he can't regulate how he feels, and you will see a small fraction of what we are going through.
It was said to me recently that if they ever saw the boy's mother, they would thank her for abandoning her boys....b/c it was the very best thing she could have ever done. I agree. I pray for her, that she will find healing, but I am so glad that she just walked away, b/c she is not capable of caring for them safely right now.
I am currently reading The Child Called It, by Dave Peltzer. I have read these books before, but now, reading them as a foster parent and a mother, it is even harder to read. I can't even fathom how a mother can inflict that kind of torture on a child, but even more...WHY didn't someone step in years sooner and help that poor boy? I hope, I pray, that people are more intune with abuse now and would report something like that sooner. His mother was a severe alcoholic. I can't help but think that possibly Garrett's law may have saved my sweet little Z from abuse or severe neglect. I wonder if she would have abandoned C, had she not already lost one child to the system?
Did you know, there were laws protecting animals from abuse before there were laws protecting children? Children were considered property, therefore a parent could do with them what they wanted. Seriously.
Just recently a couple's baby died in Arkansas, was found dead on the couch, but meth was found in her system. The news reported that the parents could face 1 yr, or up to $1,000 fine for her death. Really? That is all? I can't begin to say how angry that makes me.
This is a rambling post this morning, but all these things have been going through my mind, and I just wanted to share. These children need advocates, they need someone to save them, even if it is just 1 child at a time.
It was said to me recently that if they ever saw the boy's mother, they would thank her for abandoning her boys....b/c it was the very best thing she could have ever done. I agree. I pray for her, that she will find healing, but I am so glad that she just walked away, b/c she is not capable of caring for them safely right now.
I am currently reading The Child Called It, by Dave Peltzer. I have read these books before, but now, reading them as a foster parent and a mother, it is even harder to read. I can't even fathom how a mother can inflict that kind of torture on a child, but even more...WHY didn't someone step in years sooner and help that poor boy? I hope, I pray, that people are more intune with abuse now and would report something like that sooner. His mother was a severe alcoholic. I can't help but think that possibly Garrett's law may have saved my sweet little Z from abuse or severe neglect. I wonder if she would have abandoned C, had she not already lost one child to the system?
Did you know, there were laws protecting animals from abuse before there were laws protecting children? Children were considered property, therefore a parent could do with them what they wanted. Seriously.
Just recently a couple's baby died in Arkansas, was found dead on the couch, but meth was found in her system. The news reported that the parents could face 1 yr, or up to $1,000 fine for her death. Really? That is all? I can't begin to say how angry that makes me.
This is a rambling post this morning, but all these things have been going through my mind, and I just wanted to share. These children need advocates, they need someone to save them, even if it is just 1 child at a time.