Tuesday, June 15, 2010

If only everyone child could have a fairytale ending...

My sweet oldest son Noah. Noah is going to be 9 years old in just a month. 9 yrs old. I have loved him for 9 years + 9 months....and even longer before that as I longed to become a mother. I loved him before I ever knew who he would be.
Since moving to a new county, apparently DHS doesn't have our age specifications, or home limitations. We have gotten a call every week with them looking for a home for a boy. One night it was at almost 9 pm. We literally do not have any room to take in another child, no matter what the age or gender is. Even if we physically had the room, I have enough going on right now that I couldn't take on another child...but it is heartbreaking everytime I have to say no. Each child they have called about, I have stopped and prayed for them after we got off the phone, and they have been heavy on my heart, even though I don't know anything about them. Today, they called me about a 9 year old boy. I know there are children everyday that need a home, but it is really hard to get those phone calls every week...for children that are hard to place, b/c I know I am just 1 person in a long line of people saying no. But this boy, he was the age of my boy.
Tonight we watched the movie "Meet the Robinson's" Have you ever seen it? I haven't until tonight. I cried. I don't want to get into the plot of the movie...but the main character, a 13 yr old, wanted to be adopted so badly. And he was in the end, and everyone lived happily ever after. Oh I wish fairy tales came true. I wish the reality was that a 13 yr old could be adopted so easily. I wish that even if they were adopted, they wouldn't have so many years of hurt and pain inside them.
We were all playing Monopoly together while we were watching the movie, and I looked across from me at my Noah. I just cried. I cried for that 9 yr old boy that has been heavy on my heart today. I cried b/c I am so glad that Noah has had a safe and loving home his 9 years, and I also cried b/c this boy hasn't....and I am not able to give that to him. I pray desperately that someone is giving him a loving and safe home tonight, b/c as I look at my son that I love so much, I can't imagine what this boys life must be like.

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