Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A room for 3

Our big kids are spending time at grandparents...(for the longest stretch ever!). I decided instead of missing them...which I do like crazy...I would spend this time getting the rest of my nest built, so that I would have more time for them when they get home. This room has been a work in progress since we moved in, but I can finally say it is DONE! The only way you get a clean photo of this is the fact that they are gone...so I snagged my chance.
This room is SMALL. It is smaller than any of the bedrooms at our old house, and has more children in it! I first tried a boys room and a girls room, but the babies schedule is just so different, I decided that wasn't fair to Noah to have to be so quiet all the time, and then get awakened early in the am, so I moved him in with the girls. How do you decorate a room for boys and girls? All the ideas I came up with either cost money, or were too cutsie for their age. I feel like this will be the set-up for a couple of years until the babies are bigger, so I wanted to make it something we could all live with.
The girls wanted a purple room. I vetoed that, and said we were going with bright green. I did splurge and get them all a new bedspread. $30 each was the cheapest I could find, and I love all the bright colors of these from WM. They all have the green in them in common.
With a window, a closet with double doors 2 bunkbeds with ladders, a ceiling fan in the way of their poor heads, and the door to their room....I thought I could never swing this.

But we made it work. Barely. I removed the closet doors, and I luckily had these brown curtains that I had no use for, so they cover the window and the closet.
Noah has the space under his bed, the girls have a little nook between the beds with their bookcase and keepsake stuff on it.
How do you decorate the walls? I just decided to use their artwork. This is Leah's,
This is Rachel's
my all-time favorite photo from a trip to the beach
canvas paintings from when they were 4, 5, and 6...and the 1 smaller ones were by Noah and Rachel
Between there is the girl's nook. We got rid of a TON of toys. The kids are kinda getting to the point they are losing some interest, so it made it easier. I do have the closet crammed full of their stuffed animals they couldn't part with. Noah has a closet in our bedroom, aka "lego closet" I will show you that later. I had to move the girl's dresser out too...but had a smaller plastic drawer that is in the closet.
and even had room for one more bunkbed :)


  1. Hi Maury
    Thanks for showing this great room. I think green is a pefect color choice. You did so well fitting everything in and it looks great. The kids artwork finishes it off nicely. Thanks for sharing.
    Hope you can enjoy your time whilst they are away.

  2. Looks great!!! I know the kiddos will be excited to see their "new and improved" room. Won't be long now...
