Wednesday, June 9, 2010

unpacking and painting

This photo does not do my mess justice. This is our garage the day after we moved. It was totally full of stuff....luckily, the pile has gone down a lot, but there is still enough left to keep me busy for awhile.

We decided we wanted to paint the big kid's room...and their daddy was so patient to give them a wall to paint.

They loved painting, and were mad when we would only let them paint that 1 wall.

I believe the color we picked was geiko green. It is very shocking in person, but I love it, and with all their furniture in the room, there isn't much wall space to see.
Behind the girls is Rachel's new bedspread to match the green room. While we were prepping the room for painting, Noah put together this whole table and chair set by himself. We have had it in storage for awhile, and he was so proud that he was able to build it by himself. Z loves to sit with his big brothers and sisters....he is really growing up!


  1. LOVE IT! That green is awesome! I can't wait to see pics of the finished product! Now you've got me seriously considering going for green in Madison's room...

    Comforter is sooo cute!!

  2. Hi Maury
    Great to see you making your new house a home. Well done to Noah, he did great assembling that furniture all by himself.

  3. Go Noah!! Little handy man!! Boy, talk about patience!! I am such a control freak and would have never had the patience for my kids to paint! ha Kudos to Clay!
