Thursday, February 28, 2008

The comforts of going home

We took the kids down to Monticello this evening to stay with grandparents afor the weekend. My kids got there, and were just as comfortable as if they were at their own house. They couldn't wait to get there! I had planned on taking them tomorrow, but they were so excited and I have so much going on this weekend, I decided to go ahead and take them today. They love going to my parents and Clay's mom both so much. What is cool is that they only live 1/2 mile apart, and both go to the same church, so they just pass the kids back and forth, and it is so nice. We talk about moving sometimes to the beach, but I can't imagine our kids forgiving us for that b/c they LOVE getting to go spend time with them.

Our parents live out in the country, and it is so peaceful. So different from our neigborhood where the houses are only 5 feet apart. The kids get to just run around outside, Noah loves to play basketball....they have is very comforting to me and I always get homesick when we go down there.

And then there is Ameca.....Good ol' Ameca. My very favorite place.....we used to eat there all the time on our date nights when we lived down there. We have tried a ton of Mexican restaurants up here, and nothing compares to me. I think that is one of the things I miss the most about living down there. Yes, that is sad, but Ameca got me through 3 pregnancies when all I could eat was Mexican food. is cheaper than any mexican restaurant up here. We both got a coke even, and it was only $13.00. It would have been at least $25 up here probably. I bet I saw at least 5 people I knew while we were there eating....just like always. The comforts of going the small town I used to complain about, but living up here in the big city, I have really learned to appreciate all of that.


  1. we considered moving too, when Michael was about to leave his last job, but I just couldn't stand the idea of a big 'city' to live in! I love to go to bigger places to shop, but I like my 5 acre yard, too!

    As for ameca, Blake and I ate there yesterday for 5 bucks each, woohoo! I love it too!

  2. How sweet to have the grandparents so close. We have a similar setup. Declan loves being passed back and forth by them and is as happy there as here! Oh, I miss Ameca too!!!

  3. I struggle with this, too. I see how "easy" it "seems" for my brother/sister-in-law and for other friends that I've left behind to live there; with family; with small town values; with a big yard! I wonder sometimes when we deal with traffic or attitudes or not knowing what to do when issues arrise if it would just be simpler if we moved back down there. And, now that Braiden has stayed with my mom & dad for a week and we saw how happy he was, how clean he was, how well he ate, how much he learned...wouldn't it just be better if he could just walk across the yard and stay with his Mammaw each day? And then trips down there are always such a hassel. know, I'm going to make a post about this. Thanks for jogging my mind!! I have a lot to be thankful (and confused) about, too!!!!! :o)

  4. i wish you would move back too! :) it just doesn't seem right not to know who is living in the house on the corner there everyday when i drive by it!

  5. I miss Ameca too! I don't even think that El Palacio in Warren, which is owned by the same people, is as good!!!

  6. We miss Ameca too!!! It took us forever to find a Mexican food place up here because we were so spoiled. We finally settled on one, but it's still not as good.

    And I miss your parents and Clay's mom too! :-)

  7. i didn't even grow up there, but there's something about the small town that's so comforting. we talk about the pull between small town and big city all the time.

    and i can't imagine having the parents pass 'em back and forth. awesome!

    missin' you.
