Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The kid's scarfs...

Here is the finished product of the kid' scarfs. I had these ready 2 weeks ago and blogger messed up the day I tried to post this, and then I have been waiting to have my internet on back at home. That is a story in itself...don't get me started about my issues with at&t!! I hate them, I hate them! After arguing with the guy for 30 mins and telling him to cancel, and then calling up the cable comp I just cancelled 3 weeks ago and getting that all lined out, I get an e-mail confirmation from at&t with the tracking number for my modem and the phone line was turned on. URGH! Now I haven't figured out if I am going to go with at&t when the modem arrives TODAY b/c it was cheaper...even though they are TOTAL idiots and have CRAPPY customer service....or wait until Thursday for the cable to come on with great service and great customer service, but double the price. Plus, I figure once I cancel the cable and get the DSL all set up with the phone, then at&t will suddenly realized that Yes, I said CANCEL on the phone, not turn it on, and then I will have nothing.....and I don't want to spend another hour talking to those idiots!! Decisions...decisions!!

So, that long rant is to say...I still don't have internet....getting really frustrated about it, but it will be back on sometime soon!
After making Noah's scarf, we all decided that it looked to girly, poor guy....so I am working on another one for him. It looks less girly in this pic than it does in person.