Monday, February 11, 2008

Found a quarter!

I am overwhelmed emotionally by everything I have been up to much I can't even talk about it right now...(this is nothing is good things) and all my pictures are on the laptop that doesn't have internet right I will get back into the blogging groove soon.
This day we were taking pictures, Noah found a quarter while playing! Then, the next week we were back playing at the same place, and he found another quarter! He was so excited!


  1. Cant wait to hear about it all...

    Still no internet?:(

  2. HE'S RICH!!!!! Ask him if he can float me a loan!!?!?!?

  3. I wish a quarter could make me feel that happy again! If we could only see the world like they do - right? What a great shot!

  4. I do have internet back at home, but Clay moved the work computer home, and it is hooked up to that, and I have all the family pics on the laptop, and we don't have the internet hooked to it right now....Clay said it was a lot of trouble when I asked...So I just have to get the motivation to get my pics from one computer to the other.
