Friday, May 1, 2009

Laundry detergent update

***UPDATE to the post below** K.T. asked me some good questions, so I thought I would answer them. I have not looked for the Fels Naptha in Monticello, so I don't know. I buy mine at Kroger here, and it is $1 a bar. You could try Piggly Wiggly maybe. But yes, any other kind of soap bar will do. Smell....there is very little smell....but they smell clean. When I sniff my clothes, I faintly smell the soap..(when I used the dove, my clothes did smell like the dove soap) and you can smell your fabric softner. So, if you like your clothes to have a strong laundry smell afterwards, you will not like this. But, if you want them to just smell clean, b/c saving money is more important, then this is the stuff for you! Haha My clothes usually just tend to smell like my dresser and my closet anyway. The Washing Soda was $4.00, and the Borax was $3. Or I may have those reversed. I have just bought a new box of the Washing Soda, after making 6 batches of detergent I believe. That lasted me about 3 months. I am still using the Borax, and that is even with me also using the same box of Borax for my dish washer detergent, and also to try to kill some ants in the kitchen.

I also just saw a comment someone made on another blog for fabric softener. Get the liquid softener, put it in a bowl, and then get a sponge and cut it up. Let the sponge soak in the bowl, when you are ready to put it in the wash, squeeze out excess, and throw it in the dryer. You can keep using the sponges over and over again. And, seems like to me, if you are squeezing out the excess softener, that one bottle would last forever. haha

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