Monday, July 20, 2009

A few more from the hospital

Here are a few more pictures I took of the kids at the hospital. I am glad to have these, just to remember our time we have spent up there. I am very proud of our kids. They have made friends with Talan's various roommates, talking to them, playing with them, worrying about them. It touches my heart to see their love pouring for all the kids up there. They have learned a lot about medical things too. They have also been very polite, and usually quiet while we are there too, and very worried about our baby. They pray for him at every prayer.

Looks like we may be nearing the end in the hospital. They told me today that he will probably come home on Thursday, so I have been trying to cook up some meals, and get my house in order before he gets home.


  1. Great news that he will be coming home soon. I loved seeing these beautiful pictures of your kids, They are all very photogenic. If you had not said where they were I would never have guessed that they were taken in the hospital! You would never find that in a hospital in the UK.

  2. Where in the hospital was all of that? Did I just walk by it and not notice or was it in a different part? Love the pics, btw!!

  3. Great news, Maury! I'll be praying for you guys as you adjust to all the new routines...

    And whoa! You have a follower in the UK?!
