Saturday, July 11, 2009

Some improvements...finally!

Sorry I haven't updated in a bit on Talan. I have just been so busy! Trying to make up for lost time in the fun department with the kids, and squeezing in visits at the hospital and house cleaning when I can!
Talan came out of ICU on Thursday. The kids were so excited, as soon as I told them, they were ready to go see him. He was in ICU for 2 weeks, and they weren't able to go see him the whole time. He has been sick with C-diff Colitis....that is an infection from bad bacteria that is left in his stomach after the good bacteria is killed from being on a lot of antibiotics. They feel like this is result from what all he was on when he was in the hospital for a month before we got him. This is what made him so sick....and made him get so critical. Truly, there were a couple of days there where I was afraid he wasn't going to make it. He was bad. This baby has had so much is amazing. I have been so touched by all the people that are telling me they are praying for this precious boy. His infection is cleared up, so now they are starting back feeds with a tube down his nose. They will start trying to feed him by a bottle. So far, all that they have tried with his sucking as been unsuccessful. They are still talking about a possible stomach feeding tube. They are going to run a few more tests before the conclude his not eating is neurological....but that is a big possibility.
These pictures were taken with my phone, so they aren't the best. This one of Noah and him is priceless! We didn't even know he was smiling at him until I looked at the photo. So far, all of Talan's smiles have been very rare...and very quick quick if you blink, you miss it.

The kids just want to touch him, and stand by his side...they have missed him a lot!
This photo was taken Sunday night. He had come off the ventilator, and this was the first time I got to hold him in 2 weeks. The nurse was so sweet...she offered to take a photo for me so I could go home and show the kids. She was has been one of my favorite nurses.


  1. That's great news Maury. He is a little fighter. The pictures are lovely. I can see the love you all have for him just from looking at them.
    He continues to be in my prayers.

  2. Thank you so much for the update.

    I hope you realize that you are doing God's work in a very direct way. He is using you, Maury.

    You're in my prayers. You, your family, and of course Talan.

  3. wonderful news on the improvement! Praying for him to be home with you all soon. Those pictures were great to see!
