Wednesday, July 29, 2009

He is doing really well!

Talan came home from the hospital last Friday. I was so nervous about him coming home. In fact, the nurse told me that if I wanted to wait until Monday, to tell the doctor, and I probably could. I seriously thought about it. I just felt very overwhelmed about it. See, every nurse in the hospital had asked me if I had ever taken care of special needs before, how I felt about it, did I know I was getting a special needs baby....all of that. It got me nervous. Well, I just decided that Friday would be best b/c then Clay would be home all weekend and take care of the other 4 while I concentrated on Talan.
He has done really well. I am so proud of him. He was so fussy in the hospital, I was really dreading dealing with that, again. We all agree his dispositon is actually better than before. If you have his passy, he is good to go. That is the only time he gets fussy, you just pop it back in, and he is happy again. He is smiling a lot, and talking a is so cute! He also sleeps good at night. I usually just have to get up once and put his passy back in and reposition him, and he is good to go. Zachariah, on the other hand, has been a little stinker. He wakes up, and won't go back to sleep! I know that boy knows how to sleep. I do have to get up a few times in the night and mess with that feeding pump, which really aggravates me...b/c I am so tired trying to get that thing going again. I am trying something new tonight. See, you have to restart it every 4 hours b/c the formula shouldn't be out any longer than that. Tonight, I put it in a little backpack for the pump, and put ice packs around it, and filled it up. I hope that is o.k....and I hope it works.
The feeding tube isn't as scary as I thought. The kids have enjoyed learning about it to. I won't let them do it without me supervising, but even Rachel did a great job today helping me feed him. Noah loves to help me load the pump at night. He knows how to do it, and seems proud, trying to take over when I am getting it ready at night. I don't complain, bedtime is busy enough.
Talan has a long road, with multiple issues, but I am just so happy to see him looking so good, and so happy. He gave us such a scare. His caseworker today commented that he has come a long way since he was in the hospital with his belly swollen so bad, and then in ICU. He is one tough little fella.....but I also know he is the answer to many prayers!!


  1. Hey, sweet baby!! Looking at those pictures, especially the last two, I am thinking of holding him and looking down into that sweet face and seeing that precious smile. Hope he is doing okay.

  2. Hi Maury
    That's wonderful news that he is home. Great to hear he is doing well.
    Still in my prayers.

  3. Bless his little heart. Glad he is back home with you---

  4. sounds like he is happy to be home and thriving in your care!
