Saturday, October 3, 2009

weekend with the family

A few weekends ago we went down to Monticello to spend time with out family. While we were there, we helped my dad clear some trees and brush. (we had hope for us to move there, but it doesn't look like we are doing that now, but at the time I took a lot of pics b/c I thought we were)

My parents have a beautiful place, but growing up, I never appreciated it. I am not an outside girl, at all. I hate critters, and bugs, humidity, and used to say I hated trees too! I am glad I have grown up now and gotten over myself. I went outside several times that weekend, and my mom even said she was surprised I went out so much. She knows me well. Clay commented to over all the bug bites I had after that weekend...and I told him that is why I hate going outside...b/c I itch forever afterwards! My kids love to be outside, when they go down there, they spend alot of time out. I am glad they don't let the bug bites get them down...b/c they sure get a lot of them.
Look at how big that Pine Tree is! That is little ol Clay standing down there.
Do you see the little spider down in there?

Noah has a newfound hobby at my parents house. He LOVES shooting this B.B. gun, and does a great job too.
Noah's targets he made for Papa Ray
I told Noah to hold my camera while I tried it, so he got my picture. I shot twice, and hit it twice!! (only b/c last time my dad had to show me which eye I needed to close)

Noah was so proud to chop down this tree himself!!

This tool set was Noah's when he was little. My parents gave it to him for Christmas when he was 1 1/2. It wasn't long until it found its way back to my mom's, b/c Noah would push it around the house and use it to stand on and do all sort of scary things. With 3 kids 2 and under, I couldn't deal with that sort of thing. I am glad she has it so now little Z can play with it.

This is Tipper. She was born while I was in college....she has always been the sweetest dog.


  1. that looks like fun, I miss your family!

  2. you went outside?! :)

    i loved the tool thing story with noah using it to climb- SO understand!! made me smile thinkin' about that boy of yours!

  3. Your parents place looks so beautiful, peaceful and tranquil. Your kids obviously love it there and I am sure their grandparents really enjoy your visits. I do like to be outdoors but the bugs you have over there would put me off. When we were in Florida we bought a insect repelant spray. It smelt horrible but it did the trick!
