So, I am up late, and it is officially already the first day of school. All day long, all I have thought about is, I am so glad they will still be home with me tomorrow! As nervous as I felt the day I decided not to register them for school, I feel total peace about it now. Sure, I am a little nervous, I am responsible for my children's education! WOW, ME! But, I do know I can do it, and I am very excited about it!
We had a wedding this weekend, and we went to pick the kids up today from Monticello, and by the time we visited with family and got back home, it was almost 9 pm. All I could say all weekend long, and especially today was, I am SO GLAD the kids are not starting school tomorrow! I knew I made the right decision. This is the best lifestlye for our family.
Tonight I was reading Noah a book he picked from the library about rocks and minerals. I tried to talk him into waiting until tomorrow to read it during school time, but he wanted to start it tonight. Just in the first 2 pages, he was so fascinated...just about rocks, and all the things they make out of them. And I was too...I had no idea, or maybe just never thought about it. So, we were both excited to be learning something new, and that is such an awesome thing, to get to learn with, and teach my children.
As much as I have struggled with so many things in the past months, I have felt more peace in the last couple of weeks, than I can remember feeling in so long. I give all the praise to God. It is such an awesome feeling to finally let myself feel happy about my life. I guess I had to reach an absolute lowpoint, (and I definately did) for me to truly appreciate the happy feelings I have now.
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