Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Our hummingbird

My mother-in-law has created herself what I would call a bird garden on her back patio. It is just filled with flowers, statues and birdhouses. I need to take my camera over there sometime b/c it is such a beautiful sight with all the birds out there. All kinds of birds, and she has taught my kids to identify a lot of the birds, and I love that! So, when we moved, they wanted that at our house. Well, this is as far as I have gotten. 1 hummingbird feeder. With 1 hummingbird that will chase anyone else that tries to come up away. My next door neighbor told me yesterday that she sees them being chase right past her patio door!

1 comment:

  1. I am working my way towards that too-I have one little plastic birdfeeder(that I keep forgetting to refill)I suet cage(that I keep forgetting to refill) and a really cheapo(read 97 cents) hummingbird feeder(that I keep forgetting to refill)LOL!!!!!!!!!One day I will be responsible enough....;)
