Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Love this pic!

The kids were outside playing in our sprinkler yesterday. Our yard has been a MESS for awhile now, so when we got it cleaned up yesterday, they thought they had a new toy. I also have this storage bench that I keep all our beach stuff in that I moved back there yesterday. So, they were digging in it. I looked outside, and this is how the girls I ran outside to grab a picture....and it so, CRACKS ME UP!

Noah was excited to have our next door neighbor come over to play too. This boy is so cute, and has the most infectious laugh I have ever heard!


  1. I love infectious laughter!If you really get Kendall going she has the sweetest little laugh that make you just giggle.
    Lovin the bucketheads!!!!!Tee hee hee!

  2. That first one is too funny. I always get so caught up in "perfect" pics that I miss this kinda stuff. But I'm working on my problem.

  3. Rosjuane,

    I use to be the same way about the perfect pic....Now I look back at pics I took of them when they were little, and I can remember how frustrated I was at the time that they didn't cooperate, and now they are all perfect to me.
