Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Day at a friend's

I am late to post these. The kids and I went down to Monticello a couple of weeks ago and stayed the night with my parents, and then went over to a friend's house for the day. She had to work, so I kept the 5 kids at her house so they could all play. It was a lot of fun! Everyone got along so well! My kids have grown up with Sarah and Samantha, and we have been missing them! Sarah is Noah's "girlfriend", and he refers to her as that too.

Rachel playing dress-up
All 5 of them on the couch together....I have a pic of them all together when Rachel was a baby, I need to find it.
Noah, and his girlfriend! He cracks me up when he gets on there and holds on to her tight....(she is a bit of a crazy driver! LOL)
Sarah and the girls put on makeup and painted toenails....this is Sarah painting Rachel's
And yes, Noah had to get in on the action too!
This is how I first discovered they were playing in makeup....they were doing it so quietly, and looked so cute and grown up!

This is Samantha

1 comment:

  1. That is too fun!I wish I had grown up with friends when I was a child-that is what I was hoping for my kids too but it hasnt happened :(

    Jaxen has had the same "girlfriend" for two years!!!!-K.T.
