Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Happy Birthday to my little Big Zachariah!!

Zachariah turned 2 yrs old on Friday. We celebrated the day before when he got home from school. He was really too tired to enjoy it, he cried through most of it, but there were some smiley moments that I tried to capture :)
This see-saw was a hit! I got it for outside, but everyone likes it so much, we are keeping it in for now. I love that is is very sturdy, and a 3 seater. You can sit in the middle and ride it solo, have 2 on either side, or get 3 on. I found it at Garden Ridge for $30, and it was well worth it!

He really likes this light sword Noah got him from Dollar Tree...look at his silly face playing with it!

I was excited to find him these cute boots in such a small size. He is always trying to wear the big kids' boots, so he needed his own pair!
It thought it might be good to let him start getting used to the idea of a "potty" won't be long before it will be time to start working on that.
Christian enjoys the see saw too!

Daddy tried to get him to blow out the candle,
but as you can see, he just wanted to take a big bite!
I love this picture...can you see the love in everyone's eyes for this little boy? He is 100% adored by everyone here, and it just melts my heart.

We should have eaten cupcakes before we did the rest of his party, b/c he was a much happier child after getting that sugar in him!
And I always have to include this smiling cutie in the post!


  1. That looks like a really fun party! I cannot believe he's already 2.. those years flew by!

    That see saw.. I need that! lol

    I loved not only seeing your family, but I was peeking around them to get glimpses of the new house.. it's all so.. NEW! lol Love it!

  2. Love all the pics of Z's party and the kiddos playing on the see-saw. Looks like lots of fun!!!

  3. Oh, and I'm really diggin those cool boots!!!

  4. Happy birthday to him! What a happy family you have~
