While cooking supper tonight, I became deep in thought about food. It was sparked by the tomato soup I was cooking. I have never in my life, until lately, eaten tomato soup. Since we have been married, Clay has loved Tomato soup...one can, cooked with one can of milk, poured over Fritos. I think this is something he ate growing up. I used to really turn my nose up. One, day, I was desperately hungry, this is as recent as living in Maumelle, and I tried it. I loved it. Now, I am the one in the house that eats it. I keep tomato soup and fritos in the cabinet, and have been known to get upset when someone eats my fritos.
I was cooking Ramen Noodles for the kids b/c they are sick, and my mind flashed back to when I was 16, and babysitting Clay and Lydia Rice. Their mom would leave Ramen Noodles for me to cook for them pretty often. Until that point, I had never heard of Ramen Noodles. Now, when I cooked them, I always think of that summer. That memory also reminds me of a time, sitting in their kitchen floor talking to my Clay on the phone. We were only friends then, but that was the summer we got really close. To this day, I still remember the joy I felt that he called me to invite me to go play tennis that evening. (we used to do that a lot with friends)
Grilled Cheese....my parents always cooked cheese toast...just melted the cheese on some bread in the oven. Well, my best friend growing up, made grilled cheese, in the skillet with butter. I had never heard of that until I met her, and that instantly became a favorite of mine. Then, a few years later, the guy I was dating, his mom, Mrs. Lou would make that grilled cheese and serve it with Chef Boyarde Spaghetti. I had never thought of combining the 2, but it was so good when she would fix it, so to this day, I feel like when I have one, I should have the other. Don't even get me started on the fried chicken and potatoes she used to cook. I have never known anyone that could cook that like she did. For at least 3 years of my life, I ate her cooking as much as my own mom's cooking. I also steadily gained 10 lbs every year too. Haha
I think I have talked about maccaroni squares before. That, and coconut pie...I got those recipe from Clay's mom, and they are 2 of my favorite things to cook now. In fact, almost every recipe I use, I got from someone. I very seldom use an actual purchased cookbook.
My friend Suzanne introduced me to Nestlequick chocolate powder to make my chocolate milk. Oh my, that is so good to me, I literally can't have that in the house b/c I gain major weight drinking that.
My sister got me addicted to Strawberry Cheesecake with cream snowcones. Sadly, I can never find them here in Little Rock. I have to still go back to Monticello to get me one!
I can't leave my own mom out. I do a lot of things that she did, and when I branch out and do things differently from what I remember growing up, it feels weird. Does that make sense? Just like buying the different type of chocolate for my milk. She always got Hershey's syrup, and until Suzanne, I had never even tried a different kind. I always loved how my mom made tuna fish salad, and I still make it that way. I have finally gotten Leah to decide she likes it.
Growing up, I can remember going to Red Lobster once with my parents, and pouting big time b/c I didn't want to eat there. That is the only time I remember us going there. I also hated Taco Bell. What was I thinking? I now love both places. Although, my love for seafood...mainly shrimp came much later in life. I can remember being on a trip to the beach in college, and a guy with us had to peel my shrimp for me b/c I was freaking out that is wasn't peeled....and he felt guilty b/c he had recommended it.
This post has turned out longer than planned, but I just kept thinking of things as I went along. You would think I was hungry writing this, wouldn't you? I actually just got finished with my tomato soup and am full. haha I have tried all day long to do photo posts, but I finally gave up, and this is what ya get.
So, what type of things have influenced the food in your life?