Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Dyeing Easter eggs

We tried blowing the insides out of our eggs this year. This is what my family used to always do as a little girl....until I was an adult, I truly thought that was the only way you dyed Easter eggs. I had no idea people would just boil them and dye them. We also boiled some too b/c Rachel loves to eat the cold boiled eggs. (Gag) We were low on eggs by the time we started blowing, so everyone only got to do one. I think we will do more next year.

Here faces while doing this cracked me up.
Rachel was a pro at it. She didn't have any trouble getting hers to come out.

I would love any tips you all have.....ours are so boring...and they all turned out such pale colors. Next year, I want them to be very colorful!
We had to stop and eat egg omlets in the middle....can't waste those insides you know.

I think their fingers were more dyed than the eggs!


  1. We saved those cups from when we did that kit one year...but Paas Neon worked very very well with vinegar.They were bright!You can check them out in Ky's easter basket on my facebook.We also took the white crayons and drew designs on them.Dye half one color,half the other,tie dye them,the plastic wraps were a favorite here,too.Memory bible verses would be awesome on each one,written in white crayon and then when they were dyed, it would show up.

  2. I have heard that you leave the eggs in the dye for a while to make them darker, but I dont actually know.
    I love the pics!!!! I always wondered how you get the egg goober out. How cool!

  3. did you use vinegar? That makes them darker I think. Ours turned out dark, we only left them in about a minute or so.

  4. Vinegar makes them darker, and we use the crayons to write on them too. One thing I'm really missing this year is the Mexican tradition of cascarones or confetti filled eggs. They sell them all over the place in Del Rio, but people make their own as well. Old ladies save their egg shells all year just to make them!

    Also, what's the point in blowing the insides out before you dye the eggs?

  5. Explain just what is going on behind Noah in the first picture! IS that a BLANKIE someone has in their hand!?!?! LOL

  6. YES! It is a blankie. I don't know what to do with that girl....I have taken away 2 blankets, and she just finds a new one to latch on to!

  7. This is a cute post. Wish we lived closer so we could blow out eggs together. That looks like fun:) -
