Thursday, April 9, 2009

Chocolate pizza

My mom got Leah the Betty Crocker Kids Cook book for Christmas. Not only does it go along with a lapbook to teach about cooking, but it also has a lot of fun recipes, and expains things very simply. We have all had a great time making the stuff in there. The other night, I made this for supper. I had already cooked a big pot of chili for lunch, so when talking about making this, the kids suggested since it is "pizza" lets have it fur supper. So we did! ANd then I had a sugar crash and burn stomach ache that evening, but it sure was yummy!

Yes, this isn't as lovely as the picture. I don't have a pizza pan, and then the dough was kinda sticky, so I couldn't smooth it out flat so well. I know what to do next time to improve the presentation, but it was stilly good to eat....and gone very quickly too.


  1. Looks yummy!

    We got Jaxen a Paula Deen cookbook for kids for Christmas but havent had the chance to use it yet.

  2. That looks so good! I am still jeal.
