Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter pictures

I found this little lamb for him at Mardels for just $5. When you squeeze it, it plays "Jesus loves me" and says a little prayer. It also has a little book with it that tells a story about Jesus. I had to get it for him, I thought it would be something special he could always keep.
I was way too close for this photo....but he is STANDING up to get these eggs! He has learned how to pull himself up to this bench. I believe it won't be long until we have us a little walking boy.

The kids had fun hiding their eggs and helping them find them. They didn't even want to do a hunt of their own. He was so funny. He got really mad at them! About the time he would find an egg, they would take it from him and put it in his basket. It didn't take him long to get mad at them for getting his eggs. He started squealing at them, in this high pitched squeal....there was definate meaning behind that. "leave my Easter eggs alone!" haha Rachel was trying to play an egg game with him later on, and he squealed at her....and it made her cry, she said he hurt her feelings! Now I couldn't help but get tickled at that! It is so fun to watch him become a person.....he is already find his place in their group. I believe he may be the leader. haha


  1. The babies always are....LOL.That is so sweet!My three older ones wanted to do the hiding too but I told them that they couldnt because they would be the only ones finding-

    Ashley did take Alyssa around though.Kwynne could still care less,she just wants to gnaw on the eggs.

    Okay dish,where did you get their clothes...LOL.And youre gonna love this-I have no idea what Mardels is,although I think it is safe to assume it is a store.

  2. those are sweet pictures, how cute about them hiding eggs for him and him squealing at them. Sounds like the little man has an opinion.
