Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Don't miss me too much...haha

Well, I got mad at AT&T today and cancelled my internet service, which will disconnect sometime tomorrow. You know I will somehow figure out a way to still get on the internet, but wanted to let everyone know what was up when I don't post or comment. I will miss everyone, and will probably go through major internet withdrawals, but am looking forward to not being obsessed with being on it. We may get it back, but we thought we would at least try it without it.
While I am gone, we will be doing lots of schoolwork,
lots of cooking,

And lots of bowl licking too!


  1. no, heffer!! you can't! will miss you terribly!

  2. You will be back in less than a month! I know ya too well woman! LOL

  3. I am so sad! You better be going up to the McD wifi! PLEASE!!!!

  4. We took 6 months off. As you see Im back. Good Luck! LOL
