Sunday, February 21, 2010

4 months

He turned 4 months old yesterday. This boy is a growin! Add 4 tbs of rice to every bottle, can really pack on the lbs....but I like his chubby little rolls. It makes him look healthy. He is still very much a momma's boy. Wants to be held most of the time, but is getting a little better about doing other things. We had a wild round with getting his formula straight, but now he is on Neutramagen, and it has helped his screaming episodes greatly. I call him Mr. Particular, b/c everything has to be just perfect for him, at all times, or he freaks out.

He is a big talker! He babbles and coos, more than any other baby we have had. He gives us beautiful smiles all the time. I appreciate these 100%. After all the worry with Talan, and the sadness at what he isn't able to do, I rejoice in every milestone Christian reaches. Today, Leah came in and said, "Christian is just so early with all that he can do!" It does seem that way compartively in our home, b/c he is early compared to the 3 babies before him. I explained to her how he is the first one that has done things on time, instead of delayed, or not at all. I am so proud of him!
He is very tickleish, and will just laugh when you tickle his neck, belly, and back.
He enjoys sitting in the highchair when we are all in the kitchen. This discovery has been a lifesaver during meals and also when I am cooking.
He loves his new lights and music toy we got him, and sitting in the bumbo today, he was reaching out and grabbing things, making the music go off.
He still prefers Leah over all the big kids. She is the calmest, and he thrives on calm. (bless his heart, in this wild house!)
He loves his hands, and chews on them all the time.
I love this outfit. The supervisor at his office picked this out for him with his clothing voucher when we got him. She picks out the cutest clothes for the boys.
He is responding to big brother more these days.....and Zach's aim has gotten better with putting his passy in.
and has even learned to laugh and smile at brother, instead of crying whenever he gets near. This boy is learning to be tough! haha

You looking at me?? He also loves this toy, and will sit in it for I moved it by the laundry room....he will be content a lot longer if he is near me, and where the action is.

Oh, so much cuteness!! He is saying, "you guys don't be fooled by the stories mommy tells about me...I am super sweet! " haha


  1. Love these sweet pictures! I can't wait to get there tomorrow and hug me some babies (all sizes)!!

  2. Oh my gosh! He is even more gorgeous at 4 months than he was at 3! How's he keep getting more beautiful?

    That one of Z putting his paci in made me grin!!

  3. This is Kara...He is so beautiful!!! I'm so glad we got to meet this precious little guy while we were home. We love you Christian!
