Monday, February 22, 2010

This and that, but more prayer requests please!

Oh, I have so much bottled up inside that I want to talk about! So much of it is hard to talk about, I maybe shouldn't talk about it, or it is too time consuming to even begin talking about it!! I guess I will copy a friend and make bullet points.
*I am on my 3rd week of having sick kids at home from school. Once this one gets well, I am sure it will just start the cycle all over again. She really has been very sick though, so I feel very badly for her!
* We have a very important meeting tomorrow that will make a decision on the long-term placement of our little baby C. I thought this was going to happen in court a couple of weeks ago, but no. And yes, I want to throw up everytime I think about it. Please pray that the best decsion for him, his brother and our family will be made at this meeting. After weeks of being angry, and fighting this in my mind, I have found peace....I can say that and mean it now. I have also been studying about his potential diagnosis, and am now wondering if it would be in his best interest to stay with us, or better for him to be in a home so all attention can be given to him. The thought of his potential loss is still gutt wrenching, so my prayers have been geared toward the Lord knowing what will truly be best to help him and his brother heal, and what he knows I will have the ability to do for our whole family. If it is for him to remain with us, I have told God I will be seeking him every step of the way, and I am also diving deep into what I need to do for them.
*With a diagnosis of FASD for our little Z, I have been overwhelmed by how easily a child can have this. Did you know, that just having a few "binges" within the first month of being pregnant, before know you are, can cause your child to have brain damage that is cause by alcohol? It is so hard to diagnose, and many times just expressed in tantrums, frustrations, learning disabilities at school, but over all your child appears to be fine. It is estimated that 70% of children in foster care/adopted have affects from being exposed to alcohol in utero. I really want to talk more about this, b/c I was so unaware of how bad this can be, and I think it is very important to teach people about this. I am so thankful that we have our diagnosis early on. From what I am learning, this is key to helping him overcome things.
* I am also committing myself to cleaning a lot of stuff out of our house. I am learning that a full cluttered house can be harmful for children with FASD, and I think that it has become harmful for me as well! I just want things to be minimal, so it is much easier to get chores done, b/c I need more time to focus on the kids, and all their chaos, plus the mess, gets to me fast!


  1. I didn't realize you were already going to that meeting! Oh I am in serious prayer over that and decisions made!!

    That is crazy about the FAS and how little it takes. That's something that needs to be shouted from rooftops for all moms!!

    How's the purging going?

  2. Oh Maury...I love you and our precious family so much. I will be praying for everything to go the way we want it to, because there's no lying to God. He is The Judge, so he knows what's best for everyone, but that doesn't take away your feelings. He knows them and understands them all too well because he too is jealous and only wants his children for himself. Just know that he wouldn't allow your heart to break as it is breaking for no reason because He does know how it feels, and He is there to comfort you in many many forms no matter what the outcome. I know that it is impossible to trust sometimes, but hang in there and look at the blessings that He has given you in your other wonderful children and husband. Just hang in there and be strong for your family, and when or if you need to fall apart, I am here later than everybody so just call me or anyone for that matter. You have so many people who love you and want only your happiness, and I am one of know I'm always up haha.

  3. Maury, I've been praying for you and will not stop. It's amazing how God has turned your heart for these children. May His will be done in this!
    Love you sis, keep up posted when you can.

  4. Contining to pray for you and your family.
