Sunday, February 7, 2010

My beautiful girly girls....

Last night I was watching that Pagent Tiara show for the first time...I don't even know the name....and it was really getting on my nerves. I am so nothing like that. The girls came in the room, and we were talking about their curly hair, (which were hair pieces) and I asked if they wanted me to curl their hair. I admit it, I have become a stick in the mud lately. And I feel bad about that. So, I let baby fuss, and shut myself up in the bathroom with the girls, and we had a good ol time.

We shooed big brother out of the room...b/c this was a GIRLS only party! :) It seem to drive him crazy that he couldn't come join us. (but he had already had a boy's day with Dad earlier)
This picture was suppose to have all 3 of us in it, but we didn't all fit.
I should have left her rollers up longer, I will know for next time.

This one is blurry, but it is such a genuine smile for Leah
This girl has some good hair. Yes, I am jealous.

We were also very exicted about their new boots that I found yesterday at Garden Ridge for just $2! They had a huge markdown sale there.

Gosh these girls are growing up!!


  1. I totally agree: Your BEAUTIFUL girly girls!!! Lovin the boots too!!

  2. Hi Maury
    Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures. Looks like you all had lots of girly fun.

  3. Fun girl time! Looks like you all had a blast! :) I emailed you back, btw...just in case you don't get it, check your spam! lol

  4. Oh I wish I could've been there! They are SOOOOOOOOO GORGEOUS!!!! Leah looks like a teenager in a glamour shot oh my goodness! I love my girls! (and the boys too lol!)
