Wednesday, March 10, 2010

lunch with my best pals

It is so theraputic for me to leave all my worries behind and enjoy 1:1 time eating lunch with my sweet kiddos. My 3 kiddos that I lvoe so much, that I know are MY children no matter what.
I went and got a $6 pizza yesterday for them. It works out great with their grades being the way they are b/c I can just sit there, and 1 after the other, they come in for their lunch. I love these guys!!!


  1. they are pretty cute.. aren't they? ;)

    thanks for the email i haven't gotten around to answering... i appreciate the info, and when my world stops spinning for just even a few seconds, i'll actually act on it. i think you and i somehow got our channels mixed up and we ended up living out a soap opera. how'd that happen? ;)

  2. How fun! Noah's hair is getting long!
