Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Video on FASD

I can't seem to post this video directly to my blog, but would you please take the time to go over there and watch this? I feel the need to shout from the roof tops what alcohol can do to your child when you are pregnant. I have always heard, "don't drink when you are pregnant", but I never knew, or realize how bad it can affect a child. It causes permanent brain damage. There isn't a cure. It doesn't take much alcohol during pregnancy to cause this. Just one glass of wine a day can do it. If you have a few binges in the first month of pregnancy that you didn't know you were pregnant, it could have caused some damage. Please, if you know anyone that is pregnant or going to get pregnant that drinks, you need to educate them. This is serious. I am learning first hand how this can affect someone.
Your child doesn't have to have the facial features to have affects from alcohol, and have one of the disorders. My child has the full blown FAS, meaning he has the facial features, and the small head and body size to give him the diagnosis early on. There are other Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders that your child can have without the look...and they may seem normal in many ways, but have poor impulse control, difficulty learning some things....have bizarre behavior you can't explain. This can be totally preventable, so it is so important to advocate for them, and to get the word out about this epidemic.

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