Sunday, March 14, 2010

trampoline fun

Zachariah just wants to be one of them these days. If they go outside without him, he just stands at the door yelling for them. Luckily, my kitchen window is right by the sink, and the stove, so on this BEAUTIFUL day, I was able to let him go outside with the big kids, and with the window open, see and hear everything going on. They are so patient with them. I won't let them do much jumping when he is on there, and they were totally happy to just hang out and play with him almost long enough for me to finish the sloppy joes.

It never seems to bother them to pay with someone so much younger than him. See them in his face? They are just playing with him, and have done that his whole life. People are surprised when they hear he has FASD, and is doing so well. Usually children with full blown FAS, which he has, have significant delays, and a lot of problems when they are younger. He has minimal ones in comparison. I contribute it to these 3 people. Always patient, always kind to him, and in his face. :)
Here, that finger by his nose? That is him saying Ssshhhhh!


  1. Maybe these pics need to be included at the staffing, just to show how connected Zac is to his "REAL FAMILY"!!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE ALL THESE KIDDOS!!!

  2. cutie patootie... and i'm with skeeterbug! of course i defend large families... there is just nothing like that relationship between siblings. LOTS of siblings. ;)
