Friday, March 26, 2010

Spring Break

Wheh...this Spring Break is flying by! Life in general is just flying by these days. I miss blogging more frequently, but I just can't seem to get time for anything these days. Life is going good, great really. I will share a few things with you, and maybe when school starts back up next week, I can get more regular with my blogging again. We will see.

The kids are on Spring Break right now.

We went to see our family last weekend, and then the kids stayed a couple more days down there. I had planned on resting while they were gone, but I didn't seem to rest any.

Tomorrow is my birthday. I will be 33. Am I really getting that old? My body feels older, but my heart and mind seems much younger. I am still blown away sometimes thinking that I am an adult, and I am responsible for myself, and 5 other little people. I have gotten a lot of cool things, and I want to share that with has been fun, I have felt like I was celebrating all week!

Amber spent the night with us last night. Amazingly enough, adding 1 more child to the mix has not been one bit harder than my normal life. She has been so well behaved....better than when she lived with us, and better than my own kids. It is so nice that when we want to see her, I can just call and ask for her to come over. She fits right in, and always has a good time. It is really special to be able to do that.

I am still on an emotional high from last Friday. In case you missed it, there was a meeting that decided we would get to adopt both boys. Praise the Lord!! I feel so much peace, and so much joy when I look at my whole family.

I am also excited to announce that this week Clay was offered a new job. He had been working part-time, and was hoping for it to turn into something long-term, and it has. It is funny...I hope he doesn't care that I share this. One day one of my facebook friends posted that she needed some part-time accounting work. So, I told her Clay might be interested. So she fb me back to have him he did. Then she fb what day for him to start working. It was really kinda funny....I got him a job on facebook! haha.. It really is all about who you know, huh? lol He loves it, and I think this is going to be great for us.

We went to the zoo with friends Wednesday, and had the best time. It was so nice to be out in the pretty weather, and get to visit with another adult!

My neighbors across the street are having a garage sale today, and my kids have walked over there about 5 times, and have eventually bought every Happy Meal toy and stuff animal they had in the sale. They were so excited about the "great deals" they were getting over there. Now, next week, I will have to have my own garage sale! haha They were really nice, I finally walked over there with them and met them. We have lived here over a year and I have never done that. shame shame.... They are also a foster family too, and I love how you can meet another foster family, and can instantly have so much to talk about! :)

My neighbor gave the kids some Junie B Jones books she had in the garage sale....that was so sweet of her!

Noah is working on a Flat Stanley project this week....that I believe we will have to have finished by Monday. I better find out about that....the week is near the end.

I went to the movies yesterday with the 4 big kids here....and you wouldn't believe how easy FOUR kids felt to me. I had a great time just hanging out with them. I am realizing how much I have been missing my kids, how lonely I have felt with them in school.
I really want to take some Easter pictures of my 5 kids together. I do not have one once of energy to pull that off right now. Are there any volunteers to come to my house, get them all ready, take them to a pretty outdoor location, and then take their pictures? I did have someone volunteer to take family pictures for us, which I really want to do....I just have to coordinate when we will do it....and convince hubby to have the patience to smile through it all. :)

We've had to take Flat Stanley with us everywhere we went. While they were at my parents, my dad took them, along with Flat, on a 4-wheeler ride.


  1. Maury, I am SOO singing praises to God right now. How amazing that he brings you out of so much stress and heartache all at the same time.

    "Oh, here ya go.. you are keeping your sons.."

    "Oh.. and one more thing.. here's a cool job for Clay."

    lol.. God is awesome!
    The Flat Stanley thing is hilarious!!

  2. We share the same birthday!! I am so glad that God answered your prayers, and you can celebrate your birthday and your family this weekend too! Happy Birthday! Lots love, Jodi

  3. Congrats on the news of the adoptions! I'm so excited for you and hoping we have the same outcome. We have a court date in April that will determine the direction the Judge is headed. Also congrats on the new job for Clay and Happy Birthday!

  4. Hi Maury
    Wonderful news about the adoptions and about your husband's new job. So much new in juist one post! I am so happy that you got to spend time with Amber. If Noah needs someone to send his Flat Stanley to we would be happy to have him here in England.
